Ах, эти евреи..

Nov 21, 2012 09:37

Не  могу не процитировать очередной мусульманский перл. Согласно этой мусульманской фетве, контрацептивные таблетки придумали евреи "и другие враги мусульман". Вот зачем:

I tell you that the ones who first invented these pills were the Jews and other enemies of the Muslims, who want to eradicate this ummah and reduce its numbers, and leave it dependent upon other, because the smaller their numbers the smaller their productivity, and the greater their numbers the greater their productivity - in agriculture, industry, commerce and in every field. Nations are feared more than others if they are greater in number, even if they are not advanced in industry, because large numbers alarm the enemy.

То то я вижу, что чем многочисленней мусульманский народ, тем плодотворней, в сельском хозяйстве, промышленности, торговле, науке и прочая. Ага.


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