Title: Transformation Theory
Author: Zinnith
Rating: PG
Pairing: John/Rodney
Genre: AU/Drama
Wordcount: ~14.200
Disclaimer: Still not mine, damnit!
Warnings: If you can't stand OC:s, this is not the story for you. Then again, if you can't stand OC:s, you probably haven't read anything else in this 'verse, so you wouldn't bother anyway.
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Comments 5
Because, yes, I felt the need to go back and read all the other entries in this universe first! But never fear, I'm getting closer. Something pleasant to look forward to. Thanks!
Really good OCs. Hawk and Megan just melt into the story and I feel as if I've known them, as if they were secondary characters in Stargate.
Another amazing installment.
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