Gay marriage is legal in Sweden! + Wolverine (neat mix, don't you think?)

May 02, 2009 20:37

1. Effective yesterday on May 1, we have a gender neutral marriage law in Sweden. I say YES.

2. I just saw the Wolverine movie, and once again I say YES.

Things I liked:

- Naked Hugh Jackman. Shirtless Hugh Jackman. Even clothed Hugh Jackman was reason for drooling.

- All the little nods and references to the fans.

- Gambit! My favourite Marvel character! First, I wasn't sure about the actor they picked to play him, but I'm satisfied enough. *loves my cajun*

- The fact that it actually fits together rather well with the X-men movies, even though I'm going to have to re-watch #2 to make sure. And i kind of wonder why Logan was such a mystery the first time he arrived to Xavier's school, seeing as the mutants he rescued must've become the Professor's first students. Now, Scott I can understand since he couldn't actually see, but the rest of the kids must've remembered him. Maybe they had already left by the time Wolvie arrived in X-men 1? Ah, well. Minor plothole.

- Oh, Scott! *hugs awkward skinny teenaged Scott Summers*

- The music was pretty awesome.

- Naked Hugh Jackman! What, I already said that? Well, it's worth mentioning again.

Things I liked less:

- I wanted more Wade! And bad Stryker for mutilating his mouth. The mouth is the best thing about Deadpool! *pouts*

- The ending, while very epic and dramatic in every way, seemed a little flat somehow. You know, like when you spend an eternity writing a story just to find that the end just won't work, but you write it anyway just because there have to be an end. I can't really put words on it, or suggest how it could've been done better but, well... feels weird to have a good movie with a mediocre ending.

Things that made me grin to myself:

- The fact that I was the only one in the theatre nerdy enough to know to stay for the final scene after the credits.

- My first thought after leaving the cinema: I wonder how long before someone posts the first Logan/Victor incest slashfic? Knowing fandom, it's already out there somewhere. And I will not read. *is squicked by incest*

zin goes to the movies, yay!, assorted geekage, marvel

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