Tuesday whinings

May 11, 2010 19:30

* I officially hate my holmes_big_bang story and I wish I could just stop writing it with good conscience.

* Is it just me or is Doctor Who getting kind of... yawn? The Weeping Angels scared me to death in Blink but somehow managed to be boring in The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. Vampires in Venice was just plain bad. Terrible acting, terrible storytelling, terrible all the way through (I do like Rory though). Please let the next episode be awesome, because I want to keep my love for this show.

* Got another not-quite-cold that just refuses to become a real cold. So, tired and grumpy and freezing and not in the mood for anything at all.

holmes bigbang, zin and her shows, whine whine whine, doctor who

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