So, as of 19:57 today, Swedish time, I am officially 25. Birthday has been great - was fed chicken by my mother and lemon meringue cake by my grandmother. I also got season 3 & 4 of M*A*S*H and a used computer from my parents, which is good, because the old heap of junk I've had for the past five years has been dying on me for a while now. The 'new' computer is a very nice little thing. I have decided to call it Elvira. (Yes, I name my computers. Doesn't everybody?)
My favourite gift though, was the beautiful birthday fic
the_cephalopod wrote for me, called
Subtle Realignment. It takes place in the Entangled Particles-verse and you need to read it now! I'm seriously considering bribing her do the rest of the stories I have planned for the series because she writes my boys better than I do ;D
Just a few reminders:
- The
Skiffy Awards are open for voting until November 30:th! Go register in the forum and vote in the many categories. I have been nominated in the Ronon-category...
- You still have 10 days to sign up for
NaNoWriMo! (Well, technically it's a little longer, but the challenge begins on November 1:st. ) Write a novel in 30 days - come on, you know you want to! My literary adventure can be followed over at
zinnith_nano - As if I don't have enough to do with NaNo, I also signed up for
sga_santa .You should too! You have until October 31:st.
I think that was everything...