Feminist Art

Dec 19, 2007 12:47

Many people think of the new year as a time to start over/ a clean slate. I quit my job at Planned Parenthood and currently am unemployed. I am moving to NYC on December 29th with no job and no real place to live. I am going to be staying with Sid and his roommate while I try to get a job. Once I am employed I will then seek out a roommate and live on my own again. This is an insane moment of transition and I am fucking excited and terrified and excited and terrified and...

I have always thought that I would go to school for Social Work and though I am still planning to one day do that I have made the decision (after ALOT ALOT ALOT of soul searching) that in my heart I want to go to school to study art and get my MFA. I have been looking at some pretty intense programs and trying to build a bigger portfolio for the picky admissions. As I always say, I don't want to be an old woman in my fucking rocking chair thinking "what could have been if I didn't give up that art dream...." I come from a family of artists and in my core that is who I am. The only reason I was going to do Social Work school was for stability. I have a ton of experience in that field, I’m good at that sort of work, and it would be a guaranteed job/income/insurance to raise a family. But that is like giving up your "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" dream. I want to be a writer. A filmmaker. A Photographer. I want to be a spoken word artist. I want to work in a creative environment and try to see what comes of it. Maybe I will fail and then I will live with the piece of mind that I tried to make a creative living and didn't just go about the 9-5 routine without ever trying to strive for what I truly want. And please don't get me wrong: I am not under the illusion that I will EVER be able to make a living as an artist (especially with the stuff I tend to do and will do) however it would be great to be an art professor or work with some collaborative group and start a non-profit for women and art. There are many possibilities in my future, right? And NO-- i don't believe that one must go to school to be an artist. I will follow this path even if I don't get accepted and end up back on the Social Work track. I will FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE be an artist/writer/zinester and continue to share my experience with whoever will listen. However, I want the support of people and the instruction of PARTICULAR professors in PARTICULAR programs that would be amazing to get to work with. Make sense?

Anyway- I promised myself I would not use this LJ for personal writing. My zines are for that.
Hearts & Butcher Knives #2 is all about this anyway.

SOOOO-- part of why I am telling you this is so you can have a quick update on my life but also I want to introduce you to one of my new (and serious) projects. I have been teaching myself about feminist art and want a place to share my findings. I have created:


and EACH WEEK I will make a post about a piece of feminist art, an artist, or something in that realm that I learn about as I go through my Art & Feminism self-made curriculum. I hope you will come and check it out even though it's not a Livejournal. I really think it's important that we learn about and don't forget the amazing art women have made over the years and we continue to share our current voices/experience with each other.

Let's re-spark the feminist art revolution and flood the world with OUR stories.

The first post I made is about the installation WOMANHOUSE (1973)

Please Check It Out!!!! xoxoxox

This is going to grow significantly over the course of 2008. It is my new baby.
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