Anime Review

Nov 24, 2011 19:59

Alright, since I have LJ, I might as well finally do something with it. And thus, lets have anime rants/reviews!

Today, I finally finished watching

Romeo x Juliet -anime. I think I watched about half of the episodes already few years ago but only this week I got an urge to actually finish it. I don't even remember why I stopped watching it in the first place, since it was always pretty awesome in my opinion. Sure, yes, it was... well, anime-like. Characters and the story both. But it really didn't bother me that much. At first.

Okay, so after seeing the first 17 episodes yesterday, I was ready to put this anime to my top 5 list (since it really needs a number 5!), but changed my mind after actually finishing it. Now, I haven't ever read Romeo and Juliet (but I'm planning to get the book tomorrow from the library), but I think the ending was something about how one of the faked their death, but then the other one thought she/he was actually dead and killed himself/herself. And then the other one kills him/herself too, because the other is dead, or something like that. And as much as I didn't want Romeo or Juliet to die, I was kinda looking forward to that kind of tragic ending (and I was ready to cry too!). And what did I get?

Some huge tree and psycho gardener bitch doing some crazy stuff and something about some seed being inside of Juliet making her to force (well, force and force) to sacrifice herself in order to save the world.

Eh, what?

I get the whole dramatic ending, world almost collapsing and stuff, but really. I think this ending wasn't nearly as tragic as the original one. I DIDN'T EVEN CRY WHEN THEY DIED! (Well, I did feel something wet in the corned of my eye, when I saw what had happened to Romeo.) And honestly, I felt like the couple of last episodes should have been the greatest, but after killing the evil Prince they just felt lame and, well, not Romeo and Juliet styled. They whole lets-take-over-the-castle-and-make-Prince-surrender-or-kill-him-if-my-name-is-Tybalt-or-Romeo should have been better and more dramatic. Of course, it's just my opinion and I'm usually wrong, but the last episodes weren't just that great.

So the search for my fifth best anime still continues!

Oh yeah, there was something (well, more than something actually) I liked about this series too! The characters for example. Yes, Romeo is mr. Nice Guy, but I still like him as I tend to like nice guys. I guess it's the youth that makes you that naive. And I was totally loving it when he wanted to kill his father. While Juliet was all against the violence, Romeo wasn't. And I liked Juliet about the 90% of time too. Which is surprisingly much since I usually hate about 90% of anime girls. But I have to say, I liked Juliet more when she was disguised as Odin. And I loved how shy both Romeo and Juliet were when meeting the first couple of times. I really loved their innocent love. But in the end, they could have cut the amount"I loveloveloveloveloveyouloveissuchagreatthing" little. (Worst of it was when the Prince was dying and he started to talk crap about how nobody didn't love him AND I'M SUCH A EMO KID, GOOD THING I'M DYING REALLY SOON. That was the first truly annoying moment I had with this series.

But to put it shor:

  -Opening song/animation
  -Characters and their designs
  -The plot minus the last episodes
  -Brought something original (like Dragonhorses) to Romeo and Juliet -story
  -The first (ten or so) episodes were REALLY great
  -Benvolio and Cordelia getting together

  -The ending was a bit too... eh. And lame.
  -Sometimes too anime for my taste.
  -Yes, love is a great thing, I get it already
  -Some WTF -moments.
  -Benvolio not hooking up with Curio :/

Overall, I think it was great series and definitely beautiful and tragic of course (well duh, it's Romeo/Juliet). It had potential to be REALLY awesome, but I think that potential was wasted in the end. If I were watch it again, I think I would only watch the first 15 episodes or something. I'll give this series 7.5/10 and if you want to watch romance anime, forget those shoujos about Japanese schoolgirls and watch this instead.

And for last but not for least, my favorite character from the RomeoxJuliet:

Red Whirlwind. (Hah, so techically Juliet, but not really. Just her second disguise<3)

review, animecrap

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