Jun 23, 2005 21:01
I'll hit this up later, but does anyone ever get pissed off at drivers who don't signal when they're goign to turn? It takes like 2 seconds to put on your signal, yet they still can't do it. It's people who don't signal that should get large ass tickets, not speeders. Especially speeders who pay close attention to the road and who know how to drive.
Speaking of speeding I was driveing by SMU late wednesday night round 1, doing about 140Km/h. That would be fine, but then I saw the bump by there and I knew I had to try to get air off it. So I went for it and totally took it well, flying through the air. Only thing is a cop was coming the other way in a big SUV. His lights were already on, and luckily he just sped by me, I guess going to a crime. Rather lucky, especially considering he could have given me a $500 ticket.