Last of the Time Lords Reaction

Jul 08, 2007 22:31

Under the cut! 8D

One year later? Will this possibly affect the 'time-line' already established at all?

And there's Martha, apparently back in Britain after an entire year. So she somehow left immediately and has just gotten back? Or did she not land in the British Isles when she escaped?

And some casual flirting. I'm hoping at this point Martha gets over her crush on the Doctor.

The Toclafane... At this point, I was starting to wonder if they were somehow Time Lords. Daleks were immediately out, and I was starting to think it might be a monster from the Classic Series.

The family voiced their confusion about the secret signals. I felt kinda betrayed when their attempt didn't do much for the plot. Or really anything if you think about it.

Ooh, a statue. I learned later it was supposed to be 200 feet high (however high that is, but it must be huge), and not just real size on a high hill.

Small strange comment about enemies from Martha...

And the Doctor is turned into a tiny thing for no real reason. I'd've thought he'd get actually killed, which would be hard to return from. But no, he's turned into a vaguely cute tiny thing. And my first thought after seeing him? "He's lost all his hair now." xD

Yet another random flashback. Okay.

Somehow the Doctor now has a suit. And they just happened to have a tiny suit lying around the ship? xD

Aw, Martha's parents are getting back together! :D

AND THEY'VE CAUGHT A TOCLAFANE! AND IT'S... A HUMAN! One of the Utopians from Utopia! :D So they WEREN'T just some random thing! Yay! ^^

Aw, it's Little-Jack the Blue Peter winner again!

I'm actually almost surprised Martha remembered what Little-Jack (I've forgotten the name of his character xD) said, seeing as I didn't remember after two watchings three weeks ago and it's been a very busy year for her!

UNIT and Torchwood both get mentions... Hang on though, why would Unit be working on destroying Time Lords with the Doctor on their side? Especially as they seemed to disappear to make way for Torchwood, who's supposed to be against him even with Jack there.

Wait, she's a bad-guy! Didn't Martha know that before?

And when the Master comes, she runs and hides as if she really DOESN'T want to go with him, despite that she later reveals that was the entire plan! xD

Yet ANOTHER random flashback. Presumably these, like the random failed plot earlier, are just to fill time. The flashbacks were getting on my nerves though, as we've ALL seen the previous episode and don't need to be reminded that the Doctor told Martha something every three seconds.

And, somehow, the Doctor manages to get back to his old self. He says he's spent the last year psychically aligning himself to the satellites (I'm starting to wonder how he told Martha this entire plan in just a few whispered words), but he never says how exactly this gave him the energy to undo the Master's screwdriver's effects. Oh, and he gets to levitate for some odd reason. xD

Aw, the Doctor's such a goody, saying what he wanted to say! Of course, loads of villians take that kind of comment as an insult.

And the soldiers are now obeying Jack for some odd reason.

Hah, loving Jack's comment about dying on his way to the TARDIS. xD

Destruction of the Paradox Machine! Whoo~! I bet the poor Tardis is incredibly relieved to have that thing destroyed!

I bet Mrs Saxon was TOLD, if something happened, to shoot him like that. xD And I suppose he might be able to resist regeneration, as they can regenerate without having suffered a fatal injury.

Aw, poor Doctor! He's the last of his kind again! At least the Master won't be annoying him now... for too much longer. Bwahaha! xD

Mum mentioned something about Time Lords having a very primitive burning ritual thing... I don't think it was necessarily a Time Lord thing. The Doctor is half-human after all, and some humans have done that.

The...! THE FACE OF BOE...! BUT...! HE'S...! RTD SAID...! 8DDDD
*once she has contained her excitement*
RTD did say in a Confidential episode he would hear a little more about the FoB, and now we know what! He was Jack! 8D Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

And everything's fixed in the Tardis. Well, mostly. The Doctor probably left Martha and Jack on Earth while he went to dispose of the Master on a random hill-top and fix his precious ship.

Aw, that was really rude, calling the poor guy up and not at least leaving a cryptic message! xD

Was cracking my 'I-know-more-than-you' smile as Sisterling and Brother realised Martha was leaving. :D Bwahaha.

At least when she comes back (with Donna apparently!) she won't be pining away for him anymore. More on Donna later. :D

And she leaves him with her extra-special-plot-device, which will give the Doctor a handy reason to go back to her at any time. :D

Ooh, red fingernails. It has to be Mrs Saxon, following a plan for if the Master was defeated. In the Classic series, I've heard they rarely gave a reason for how the Master escaped near-death traps from previous appearances. I'm glad that has been rectified. :D

Guh...? Another Doomsday-esque ending? And the Titanic? But Nine said he ended up "clinging to an iceberg" after being on that! Won't he run into a past version of himself? And the Titanic didn't run nose-first into anything, it scraped its side along a part of the iceberg underneath the water! And how did it even get past the Tardis' shields to penetrate into her inner dimensions?
... I'm thinking about this too much. xD

So, went onto the official site having seen the ending, and discovered DONNA NOBLE IS RETURNING! YAY! She WILL be considered a proper companion now, despite having appeared in only one story!
Am less interested in the news of a famous person I've forgotten (Kylie Minogue. We don't consider her Australian. ^^) co-starring in Voyage of the Damned. Yeah. ^^;

I've heard in the podcast that Leo actually was to have a role in this episode, but the actor was double-booked by accident and that's why he didn't appear. I still wish the reason why was still in though. >>

Colin Baker (that's Six) said something in his online column about the laws of time having changed since he was the Doctor. I think it was to do with the Paradox Machine. That was fun to read though, as he went on to wonder what he'd do if the common paradox didn't exist. :D

Anyway, am now going to spend ALL my free time going through every inch of the DW fandom I can find to see other's opinions and theories. :D G'bye!

reaction, doctor who

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