Day 2

Feb 15, 2011 23:21

... for lack of a better title.

So, Tuesdays from now on are dedicated to "communication". What's that about, you ask? Essay writing, essentially. Plus a lot of boring philosophy-esque reading.
Getting into the city was easier today than yesterday. For a start, I left later and still managed to arrive about fifty minutes early like I arranged to... only to find out twenty minutes after the lecture was supposed to start that it had been moved back half-an-hour. I didn't get the chance to eat lunch between it and the tute like I'd planned.
Funnily enough, for both this class and Monday's, the tute is led by the lecturer. I don't expect other classes to do the same thing, but it would be weird if they did. xD
Finally managed to get my log-in for the uni network sorted out, although our tute was chocablock. There was one too many people for the computers we had and one too few chairs for the people we should have had. Because I'd been running around chasing up said log-in, I was one of the unlucky two stuck without a chair. I tried to squeeze onto the table with the computer I was at, but eventually had to move to the floor when my bum started getting numb. Of course, as I learned from our time in Coffs Harbour recently, sitting on the floor and trying to take notes is a very bad idea. I'd successfully avoided killing my back in the lecture hall only to find myself saddled with more pain from an entirely different source.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, found out how I can avoid breaking my spine with those horrid chairs in the lecture room: Don't lean forward. It's hard to get used to, but it works. xD
Once we were settled in our tute, we were told to be social and talk to the person next to us, asking questions like what they're studying, their name and their favourite movie/game/book. Amy, who was next to me, was also doing animation, and we chatted for a while about shared love of Kirby Air Ride, Pokemon and various other things she mentioned. Not once did she talk about something I hadn't heard of, which surprised me (her favourite books are the Keys to the Kingdom series!), and I think she had heard of everything I mentioned too, saying that she got Pokemon Soul Silver for Christmas and she was surprised to hear about the Back to the Future game! When we had to introduce our partners later on, another girl in the room was introduced as liking Doctor Who, which we also cheered about! Funnily enough, I'd thought about bringing it up before, but the TV Movie can hardly qualify as good, let alone be someone's favourite, so I decided to drop it. xD
I don't know if we'll ever talk to each other again, but we'll see. Mum, when asking if anyone brought up my shirt (Of course they didn't. It's just a funny shirt, everyone's wearing one. And no-one starts a conversation over a shirt, anyway.), said she didn't feel like she'd made friends in her course until the end of the first year. Iiiiiiiiiii am not looking forward to waiting that long. o.o

Of course, Sisterling was being a twit this evening, as she likes to do. I had all this reading I had to do as part of this class's homework, and I got off doing brochures tonight to go do that. Sisterling comes along, sees me at my computer, immediately goes to Dad to say "[My name]'s not doing brochures." -.- If I hadn't already been in the bath when I heard her do that, I'd've shouted at her to ask me about it in future instead of attacking Mum and Dad for letting me off. You of ALL PEOPLE should know the relief of being let off for uni homework, Miss Paramedic.

Oh yeah, and discovered last night that I can't close my lappy screen anymore unless I want to go through all the trouble of putting the stands on again in the morning. Fun. xD At least it's relatively easy to get used to the dramatically tilted keyboard!

university, family

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