Gettin' up with the sun

Jul 26, 2009 07:22

So Tafe has started back again... I'm not sure when I last mentioned it here, so I may as well go through what's been going on lately too.
Because it was just Jacque and me in Semester 2, the higher-ups at the Tafe pushed us up to Semester 3, saying we could do Semester 2 along with the current Semester 1s in the next term. No mention at that point what they planned to do about Semester 4. As the term wore on, the head teacher of the course, Garry, was battling with the higher-ups who wanted to shut down the course and transfer the lot of us to the Metropolitan South campus of Mt Gravatt, a good half-hour further south than Brisbane North's Ithaca campus. He fought for several weeks, then they decided to let the students decide. Jacque, the Semester 1s and I were taken on a trip down to Mt Gravatt and shown around, told roughly all the differences in the courses etc. etc., and the decision was pretty unanimous to move. They had far better equipment, and more support from the higher-ups, even though they were further away from everybody.
Getting ourselves enrolled in the new course was difficult. They initially said they'd email us when the form for the BNIT people (that's us) was done, but when nothing came after a week, I had to try chasing them. The people at enrollment said it wasn't done but they would have it the next afternoon. I gave them an extra day to be sure and rang them again, and they mentioned it still wasn't done but they'd ring me when it was. So I waited. When it came to the Friday before term started up again, I FINALLY got a call on my mobile from a guy at Ithaca, who was apologizing profusely that they had completely forgotten Jacque and I existed and he was emailing everything to me, bar the enrollment form which I would get at an orientation on Monday.
Monday's orientation came and went, and I got no enrollment form. However, it appeared everybody had had problems with this detail, MSIT believing BNIT would do it, and BNIT being generally rubbish and unhelpful. Even worse, I was given an incorrect timetable in the email, so when classes started the next Wednesday, I came in at lunch and missed a morning class I didn't know was there. That afternoon, the head teacher of our new course, Kelvin, organised the enrollment forms properly, as the first form the office put together had neglected four subjects, and we were able to enroll the very next day.
At this point Jacque disappeared. She had mentioned frequently throughout the week that she was moving out of her house, and on Wednesday we even dropped by her new place in Paddington to check it out. She didn't have a mobile, and had turned off her internet earlier in the week, so there was no way to contact her once she left her house on Friday. She didn't appear the whole next week (that's this past week) and I could only assume she was busy moving in. Her new place was smaller than her last one, after all, and I have personal experience with the annoyances that can cause. *looks at pile of boxes in corner of room* I'll deal with you one day! *shakes fist*
Anyway, Jacque did ring me yesterday, with her brand new mobile, to explain that she had been having problems unpacking and making space, and dropped in to Mt Gravatt on Friday to get enrolled. She'd tried to text me, but got the number wrong and ended up with some lady who probably believed her husband was having an affair or something! xD I had probably walked right by her too, as she came in at two and stayed a couple of hours getting her enrollment sorted out, and class ended earlier than usual at three.

Back on topic... or at least, the explanation for the title.
Because the journey now takes an extra hour to half-hour, and for three days of the week I need to be in at 8:30am for classes, I now have to get up BEFORE THE SUNRISE in order to get to Tafe in time. On the fourth day I need to be there, the class is at 9am, which isn't much better, but at least I get another half-hour of sleep.

Yesterday was pretty stressful too. I had to get up early for a hair appointment at nine, so I couldn't sleep in like I wanted, and I then had work later. It was an irritating four-hour shift, so I didn't get a break, and Sisterling and I had to walk to the bus stop to get down there, draining my energy further. A few hours after I got on the registers, I started feeling ill again, and the Mentos sweets that Mum gave me to keep my energy up weren't working. Putting one in my mouth just made me feel like throwing up, and having a drink wasn't helping. So, yet again, I had to cut a shift short because I'm physically incapable of standing at a register for more than a couple of hours. It didn't help that once I got off and went to the backroom, I proceeded to stress out and fall apart crying. And then forgot to sign off. Dammit.
This morning wasn't good for sleeping in, either. We had to get up earlier than usual to drop Brother off at work before church. *sigh*

At least tomorrow I should be able to catch up on much-missed and needed sleep, right?

work, tafe

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