(no subject)

Jun 27, 2013 15:52

Hey y'all!! Is this thing on? *taptap*

Has anyone seen Joss's Much Ado yet? I noticed it was out in an indie theater for like one weekend here and the next week it was gone. And I was all :((( thinking I missed my chance.

But now suddenly just this week, I find out it's back, now in like a handful of theaters around town! Like a normal movie! Here I thought it was just some small little thing! What happened?! Don't get me wrong, I kinda love seeing three Whedon films on the big screen in the span of 14 months, but jeez. Im reading the reviews and they're so glowing, it's uber weird! I dont know if I'll ever get used to it. I'm reminded of that article last year about how old Whedon fans will never outgrow the kneejerk reaction to defend Whedonverse's pop culture worth to critics and the larger public. So friggin true.

*crossing fingers lj stops being a jerk and posts this already*

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