Obama win is a win for us all. Congratulations to everybody!

Nov 08, 2012 17:03

Still recovering from the trauma that was Election Day. I think I caught a flu bug out of the deal for all my exhaustion from working on two hours of sleep this last week. I stopped at home Tuesday at about 8pm just to warm up, grab a bottle of booze, and split to a local party. And then could not move from the couch. Sad I missed the party, but I ( Read more... )

women, 2012, current events, history, politics: obama, politics, obama:2012, obama, politics: 2012

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amber_protocol November 9 2012, 02:28:38 UTC
Watching FOX news lose their shit was a thing of beauty, they were so shell-shocked (idk why, Nate Silver's been telling them they were fucked since forever ago, but he was using that witchcraft know as maths, so...); when they made Megan Kelly go and directly ask their researchers about them calling it for Obama was hilarious. Also, way to show your true colours as a racist dickbag, O'Reilly. His "white establishment" and "people want stuff and Obama will give it to them" bullshit was fucking disgusting.

It's also amazing that they're only just *now* realising that voters that aren't white, straight males actually matter and will tell them to go fuck themselves since they're trying to take away their freedoms and control them. Hopefully they'll get the message now, but that would be too logical.

In conclusion, fuck yeah, Obama, and:


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