IMPORTANT viewing for all American Women:

Aug 21, 2012 13:27

Rachel Maddow traces the history of Republican politicians making arguments for the legitimacy of rape. Akin's words were nothing new. Except that once thought of as a fringe idea, is now taking over a major American political party.

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Comments 8

amberdreams August 21 2012, 21:52:26 UTC
I am gobsmacked at the extent of this willful and dangerous stupidity. It's unbelievable to think any men should have these views let alone that men in positions of power should a) hold these opinions b) be allowed to voice them. In public.

As for the women who have shared this view, that is even more obscene. It almost makes you want them to suffer rape (and the fear of pregnancy that would follow) because that might be the only thing that could bring them to their senses (and would feel like justice). Almost - except we know that being raped is abhorent, violent and brutal and wouldn't actually wish it on anyone. Not even complete and utter tossers like these.

This is the kind of thing that absolutely terrifies me about Republicans and America in general - I have some American friends who seem perfectly sane and rational beings about most things yet support Mitt Romney and the Republicans in spite of incidences that clearly show the far right insanity that is lurking out there....


ruby_jelly August 22 2012, 06:54:20 UTC
Has there hasn't been uproar about the term or concept "real rape". What does that even mean? Rape is rape, isn't it? How did he get away with using it.

Was expecting comments on the definition of rape to be rolled out, but as Maddow hypothesised: if you got pregnant it wasn't rape, because your body didn't protect you from the pregnancy. And implies cooperation.

Is it still rape is the guy wears a condom, so female body isn't given the opportunity to decide if it's real rape, or "pretend" rape. Guess it is "real rape" - no pregnancy.

God, how can anyone think this way?


amberdreams August 22 2012, 07:08:27 UTC
I honestly have no idea how anyone can seriously think this way. And more to the point, how millions of supposedly rational Americans will still go and vote for these criminally ignorant mysogenists.


zimshan August 24 2012, 00:22:57 UTC
Yup, yup. And yup.

It's only alittle bit infuriating how many otherwise reasonable people go along with this party after the history of the last decade. It works mostly because they're either not paying attention half of the time or the GOP's shiny brand of spin and lies works on them. Mostly a mix of both. I keep saying Rachel Maddow should be required viewing for all, she is so above the pack when it comes to reporting on the heart of an issue.


runedgirl August 22 2012, 00:00:53 UTC
Thanks so much for posting this, i just watched the whole thing - quite illuminating. And nauseating. Amusingly, a Romney-Ryan ad ran before it. lol


ruby_jelly August 22 2012, 06:40:32 UTC
I appreciated the opportunity to listen to Rachel Maddow's historic expose on these politicians. I always thought USA was more liberated. My own ignorance, and I guess probably based on exposure to tv, rather that real life.

Thank you for the link, :)


ruby_jelly August 22 2012, 06:45:36 UTC
I meant to mention, Aikins comments about "real rape" made the news here in Australia last night. When did "no means no" become code for,"If I get pregnant, I didn't mean it. And guess what, I actually enjoyed it too."?


philomel August 26 2012, 22:11:06 UTC
Thank you so much for sharing this.


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