Presenting, a new LJ comm, theheartofspn, celebrating seven years of Winchesters!

Jul 16, 2012 10:41

So my goal to stop thinking about SPN after my dramaqueen of a reaction to the finale worked fantastically...for about one week. Somehow after a series of mellowing out and peeking back in LJ and seeing a bunch of awesomely inspiring/thinky Winchestery posts, I got to talking to a couple of flisters about S7 and the show, and brought up this idea that had been brewing in the back of my head for a while. And because they're all as crazy as me only 100X more awesome, theheartofspn was born! It's taken us a while to hash out the details and get the idea up and running, blame that on lab/thesis BS that's consumed most of my spring, but finally today we're releasing it! So without further ado:

theheartofspn theheartofspn theheartofspn theheartofspn

A new comm for SPN fans to gather together in celebrating seven years & beyond of Winchester brothers! As we wait out this summer hiatus for the show's eighth season to begin (on its brand new night even!), let's reinvigorate that Winchester spirit again. Join fans new & old in celebrating the canon of the past, the creative fanworks its fueled, and the exciting potential it still holds!

Signup for the comm's kickoff event, Winchester Summer Lovefest, now thru end of July!

Just copy the code below for comm banner + description:">" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

A new comm for SPN fans to gather together in celebrating seven years & beyond of Winchester brothers! As we wait out this summer hiatus for the show's eighth season to begin (on its brand new night even!), let's reinvigorate that Winchester spirit again. Join fans new & old in celebrating the canon of the past, the creative fanworks its fueled, and the exciting potential it still holds!

Signup for the comm's kickoff event,">Winchester Summer Lovefest, now thru end of July!

My wish/hope/goal is that this can be a gathering space to bring together all types of SPN fans around LJ who still love the show and the brothers, want to reconnect with other brother fans who've still resisted fleeing LJ, and/or want to resist falling into too much jadedness and want to try to find their Winchester spirit again. I know for myself, I can at any given point in time fall into all categories, but after SEVEN YEARS of Winchesters? AND the show moving from the deathslot back to WEDNESDAYS and suddenly being heavily promoted, making this the first summer in forever that I'm not expecting this next season to be the last? I just need this back up and take a look canon from afar, bask in the broad strokes, be thankful for what we've been given, and hopeful for what potential is still there to explore. And most importantly, help inspire and be inspired by the endlessly continuing fandom talents you all so graciously offer! That is the pure magic of fandom in the end isn't it? And when fandom wanks, my reaction will always be MAKE ART, NOT WANK. As Kill A Man can attest to. Let's carve out some time this summer, and celebrate that canon and that spirit that made these seven years all possible.

So...WHO'S IN?! XD

ETA: Gorgeous LOVEfest banner by the talented marciaelena, I can't wait til she can make her post of the fullsize version for all of you to see, I can't staring at it myself!

fandom:creative, spn: s8, fandom, spn, spn: wholeseries, theheartofspn, pimpage, spn: misc, spn: s7

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