Cabin in the Woods (initial drooling in a cup reaction)

Apr 24, 2012 20:12

I havent been doing too great at this LJ thing as of this year, have I? RLs been kicking my ass, but I finally squeezed out some time to see Cabin in the Woods and OMGWTFBBQ?!?!

WHEDON AND GODDARD, YOU CRAZY MAGNIFICENT FUCKERS, THAT WAS HORRIFICLY BRILLIANT PIECE OF MINDBLOWNING EPIC META, I CANT EVEN. LALALA WHOSE SEEN IT, i need Whedonite convos!! My friends i saw it with totally didnt get half of it, while i spent the first 15 minutes all nostalgic over the credits, the next 30 going okay horror tropes galore, wheres the catch, and the last 45 with my jaw unhinged in horror/glee. Pretty sure i looked like a crazy person. LALALA META LINKS, IF YOU HAVE THEM SEND THEM TO THE FRONT MY BRAIN IS USELESS TO ANYTHING ELSE TONIGHT

[First thing i did was google the budget. 30mil, NOW THATS TALENT. I swear, ME needs to set up a school for half of Hollywood, how to put your creative juices in the writing, and not waste money on cgi trying to distract your audience from how much your movie sucks. Or better yet, take over and throw them out, heh. This was as cgi heavy as you should ever need 99% of the time. Yes i will be judging avengers hardcore when i see it.]

[ETA: I really shouldn't be reading reviews, the first three I opened up completely missed the meta, (or well, meta ontop of meta really), complaining about the characters being cliches, HI YOU COMPLETELY MISSED HOW THEY MANUFACTURED THAT THROUGH PHARMACOLOGICALS??, how are you a movie reviewer? THIS is the first good post I've read, nailing the whole "we are the old ones" element (which subsequently gets lambasted by people who don't seem to be very familiar with Whedon/Goddard's crunchy meta-loving brains. Anyone remember how long it's been since Whedon first started talking about this thing, I feel like it was at least five years ago when he was all "me and Goddard have this script idea, a horror movie to end all horror movies". I'd been so skeptical all this time, and then watched this unravel and at one point it hit me, "Oh, wow. That wasn't hyperbole. He was being literal. Who'da thunk?".)] Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, films, joss_whedon

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