SPN - 712 - 'Time After Time'

Jan 14, 2012 14:52


Everyone now! Hands in the air!


Ladies and gentlemen! The Winchester boys!

Never have I agreed more about such an apt music title usage. I'm laughing like a moron over it! I swear, it's like the writers said, 'Let's do a 40s film ep! OH AWESOME! How do we get them there? Chronos! God of Time! Okay, good, good. Are we sending both the guys back? Won't that be kinda like a redo of the Western ep? Well Ackles was born for the silver screen so he has to--OH! TIME! CYNDI LAUPER! TIME AFTER TIME! The boys in two different eras, but still totally in sync! Sam will have to race to get Dean back! And Dean will try to reach Sam from back in time! Fans will love that! And it totally fits in the season theme!'

And thus the episode was born...

If you think I'm kidding you, you haven't looked at the lyrics lately. Oh, SPN writers, using Cyndi Lauper to ship it now, I laugh, I do. You'll never be able to convince me they don't have pool going on over this in the writers room...

They pretty much had me sold on this ep from the jump. All I needed to hear was '40's ep'. HI, SPENT THE SUMMER INSERTING THE BOYS INTO 40s FILMS! YOU COULDN'T PLEASE ME MORE IF YOU TRIED! When I found out Sam wasn't going with him, I was a TADDDDD disappointed. But the moment Dean ran out of that alley and into the 1944 streetcorner with the tune of swing music picking up, I just grinned with the stupidest grin on my face. As Dean would say...AWESOME.

So I'll admit, now that I've seen it, it actually worked better that they were apart in this episode. Plus, let's be real, Sam wouldn't have survived five seconds in 1944 with those sideburns. Ezra would have shaved them off ON THE SPOT!

I've gotta say, I've really loved the last four episodes so solidly. The last two have technically been filler, but it's the kinda classic SPN filler I love dearly that you can watch start to finish without having to throw sporks at people or get bored or annoyed. You just watch and bask and enjoy all the little tiny bits that are so well done. And that hasn't been the case for a very long time. I may have felt a tad sifted for Sam last week, but he got to be all awesome this week, saving Dean, which is always my all-time favorite Sam, so all is forgiven. And Dean while getting the gumshoe glamor shots in, had mostly a pretty comedic role and worked well with a 40s contemporary to showcase the era. That is was none other than Eliot Ness, and gave the opportunity for Dean to fanboy, was even better! OH AND THEY TURNED NESS INTO A HUNTER! SPN, CONTINUING TO MUDDLE WITH HISTORY, I LOVE IT! I enjoyed all the colloquial confusions between Winchester speak and 40s speak. The old cars! The suits! The fedoras! The music! (although I mayyyy have wished it was alittle less intrusive). Loved Jodie Mills in this, her two Bobby mentions were probably my favorites of the whole episode, because it was so nice to see some real damn emotion about Bobby's death! Who's gonna write the fic about them all sharing Rufus's whiskey present when Dean gets back?? Huh? Huh?



The only thing that actually bugged me about this episode was the crappy actress that OTTed Chronos' girlfriend, and to a lesser extent Jason Dohring. Sorry to upset VM fans, I thought it was perfect casting, he has that timeless quality look to him, and can be scary as hell on a dime. So on one hand I really enjoyed it! But his performance seemed rather rough and slinted at times, vacillating between not selling it enough and trying too hard without really committing to either. I think it was the mopey lover part that did the character in. And maybe being accompanied by an actress wearing such a poor example of 1944 hair, come on hair & makeup, you had one actress in this, you couldn't do the rolled hair-do right?? FOR SHAME, YO. Wardrobe apparently didn't want to pull the hem lines up on the boys suits either which was kinda distracting, what, you thought no one would notice now?

Also to seemed wrong for this to not be in B/W, so on rewatch I totally made the switch. Don't be surprised if you see a photoset in the space soon. It was so EFFING PRETTY in B/W, I CAN'T EVEN SAY.

Despite all these nit picks, I actually think I enjoyed the episode more than the Western episode? WHICH IS WEIRD, I DON'T EVEN KNOW. Maybe it's 'cause while the western ep the crew went to TOWN on, I enjoyed the SCRIPT of this one much better. It's hard for me to even pick a favorite part. I enjoyed both boys immensely in this one. Though Sam admitting later he totally knew Dean was searching Dick Roman stuff and didn't believe his anime lies, was definitely a highlight! Obviously the whole letter sending B2TF Part III move was an insta!classic moment as well. Sam's SHIT-EATING GRIN over it may have killed a few of my braincells in the process. Probably the most disappointing was that it was over too quickly. And I guess that's always a compliment.

What'd you all think? The flist has looked pretty quiet...

ETA: Apparently LJ is being stupid again, and some posts aren't showing up? Time to get back to that DW fixing up...

Also, I have INSTA!RECS
- ash48 commemorates SPN's two PCA wins with a celebration vid! For those like me who stayed up and watched that awful wreck only to be disappointed by Favorite TV Drama never being announced, this takes the sting out of it. We are Fandom, hear us ROAR! XD
- I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone looking for post-7.10 fic: 'Northern Birds' [Sam&Dean, gen, post-710] - roque_clasique -

fic_rec, vid_recs:feelgoods, spn, spn:s7, spn: flailing_ep_posts

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