So I
noticed way back in S3, Kripke's habit for completely giving away the finale in mid-season episodes. It was true for Scarecrow and Hunted. Remained true for Malleus Maleficarum. And for Heaven & Hell. So...
5.21 - 'Two Minutes to Midnight' Insta Reaction/Meta )
I loved watching the colors and I loved watching Cas. And overall thought this was a very good episode, much better than last week. Death and Pestilence were both MAGNIFICENT. Well cast, well written, well acted. Excellent scenes.
Of course, there's always the fandom idea of Sam drinking angel blood instead too. Who knows.
I think the everyone underestimating Sam comes back to The Curious Case of Dean Winchester. Exact same scenario. Sam being underestimated and winning.Ah, I was reminded about that last night. When Sam had his 'but I'm all we've got' line. Pushing out the cobwebs, but what'd he do there? Kinda used his weakness over the idea of Dean dying ( ... )
Hell, I wrote that fic before Sam drank a drop of Ruby's. And then show went, 'Sam's drinking blood,' and I screamed.
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