I don't get the chance to rec fics here often, I can't even keep up with
my delicious bookmarking half the time.
But I just stumbled on these two fics that MADE MY WORLD today and I would be heartless if I didn't share...
Before The Skywriters, Before The Telegram [Gabriel gen] -
seaouryou - Hysterically delicious Old Testament CRACK in which Gabriel, God's Messenger, discovers his penchant for tricking. This is the fic I didn't know I needed to read. In some bizarre way, it's totally fitting for SPN biblical canon, and one that will keep me in giggles for days.
The Ewok to Your Wookie [Sam, Dean, gen] -
musesfool - I just want to draw so many hearts around this, it is absolutely insta-canon for me. Picking up 5.20's loose ends and combining Sam's birthday, into just the perfect sweet, simple, happy sigh inducing brothers moment. 'It's been a while' just about covers it all.
Now stop being so awesome, Internet! I have things to do!! Or you know, keep being awesome, and I'll catch up later. ;)