'Tracking The Visual Story': The Saga of Red & Blue in SPN S5 continues...

Apr 15, 2010 10:17

Why is it whenever I take on a project it grows to MASSIVE proportions? *facepalm* For the record, this was originally three different posts, which unfortunately made no sense when separated. So, anyone that gets through this, I question your sanity in addition to mine. This post, btw, is the reason why my episode thoughts have been nonexistent ( Read more... )

cinematography, spn, spn: picspam, spn: meta-ish_attempts, spn: crew, oo!_pretty_colors, spn: s5, finale_fever

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zimshan April 17 2010, 00:13:56 UTC
I am so BEYOND thankful that those women at Fangasm finally nabbed at interview with the man, because he really was one of the last major crew members we'd yet to hear from, and obviously as shown from the product, his insights and hard work totally warranted one. I too wonder how many other tv shows are so detailed. This is typical for serious films, but tv? I think most just do what looks "pretty" at the time. I guess it depends on the dedication of the crew to the story itself, and by all accounts, the SPN crew have it in spades. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Firefly as a show where these DP choices were so strongly made. Then again, how many DP's get a producer credit by the 5th year either? I think it's rare that the same DP stays with a show so long like this.

I think natural green also implies an acceptance of who you really are, it's saying that you will let yourself be who you truly were met to be.
Oh, I love that! In my head, I've always called tree leaf backgrounds, 'genuine green', which I guess is in the same vein. But looking at that red and prairie grass green with Cas and Sam, and then if you see how the 100th compared toxic green and natural green, that thought is very applicable! Fabulous!

So happy you could enjoy this! Thanks so much for commenting!


etoile444 April 17 2010, 00:56:59 UTC
In the latest episode, Dean stands before a green wall in the motel. There he is comtemplating who he is and who he might become!


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