In which fandom helps me express my myriad of emotions felt by SPN 5.10

Nov 24, 2009 12:25

I’ve attempted to write out this post more times than I can count at this point. It’s kinda pathetic how this is now five days after the fact and I still feel like Bambi on ice about it all ( Read more... )

vidding, this time with coherency!, fandom, spn: s5, spn, fic_recs, episode thoughts

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smilla02 November 25 2009, 07:56:54 UTC
Oh, so many links! Reading this, you really get the sense of how controversial and intense the reactions to this episode have been. Apart from any wankfest that the episode may have sparkled, though, I kind of like that they've been so strong. I think that it's a good thing. And thanks for pimping :)

Jensen Fucking Ackles took the scene of his goodbye to Jo and made it amazing and Alona was absolutely up to him all the way through. And yes, it's not about love, it's about history, about chances not taken and life interferring in what could have been a good thing for both of them. It's not the kind of feeling you see used often on TV.

Re: Dean not killing the Hellhounds. I asked myself the same and I thought that killing Meg at that point - after the exposition fest I mean - was useless. The hellhounds were already there and I don't think that killing Meg would have made them disappear. Also, they are faster than Meg, so I thought that Dean decided to spare the time for a shot at one of them and run.

I have no idea what kind of help you may need with your vid, but if I can be of assistance, let me know.


zimshan November 29 2009, 16:07:36 UTC
Yes, that's the thing. I'm of the opinion that a strong emotional reaction in tv has to count for something. It means someone's doing their job right. Even when it's surrounded by a bunch of fail elsewhere.

As for the Hellhounds, yea, I can see that. Idk, I guess we've gotten enough about Hellhounds to understand how they work, but my assumption was that Meg would have to call them, like Lilith did in 3.16. ['Sick 'im, boys'.] So shooting her straight in the eye would have stopped that. But who knows.

I have no idea what kind of help you may need with your vid, but if I can be of assistance, let me know.
Ooo! Well, I just kinda need someone to take a look at what I’ve got so far, because I‘m sorta stuck where to proceed in tightening up the narrative from here. I’m trying to work out some rendering problems now, but I should have the first draft copy sometime this week. So if you’d be willing to take a look, I'd be eternally grateful. XD


smilla02 December 1 2009, 09:49:12 UTC
Argh sorry I've been so late in replying - the last few days have been quite weird. But, yes, please, email or PM me whnever you are ready (email is in my userinfo). So excited!


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