Aug 13, 2008 11:27

I wasn’t going to even touch S3. Not beyond the Dean Theme. I never did get S2’s Score Post finished. [Mostly due to getting half the season cut and then loosing it all when my HD died on me, of course.] But I admit, I like having an audio recap of a season of my favorite tv shows. It becomes convenient, instead of taking out the time to rewatch a ( Read more... )

film/tv scores, spn: score, spn: s3, spn: meta-ish_attempts, music

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zimshan August 14 2008, 03:50:44 UTC
Ha, would it be horrible to say half the reason I wanted to cut this season was because I wanted to point out, hi, you guys can do better? Yea. No, actually, I just started going through the season to try and see why and where it went wrong, and realized there were actually a number of beauties. I actually went and clipped alot that are kinda subpar score-wise, but I kept them for the moment, you know? And it kinda helps comparing the difference between the two seasons? Idk, I'm just crazy, I guess.

OKAY, THE SCORE FOR THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN IS SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN I REMEMBERED. The end of Parting Words after Bobby says "Catch you on the next one". UGH. CHILLS.
HAHA, RIGHT? Blame Mag 7 for this whole entire post. It's ridiculous how many I actually had cut for that first ep alone, I ended up nixing at least half. But I just adore Parting Words. I really wish we had a clean version of it.

Is it possible that budget cuts also played a part in the score not being as good this season, even though it was the same two composers?
Yea, you know, I thought about that, but I just don't really think so, because the quality has still been there when it wants to be. I don't know, it could be, but for the most part, I believe all the cues are composed with synthetic instruments through computer work, so I don't see how that could cost less. Although, perhaps they're paying the composers less, and so they are less apt to spend the time delivering great scores, only good ones? That could be a real possibility, actually. Or they pay them differently for different episodes? I really have no idea how that might go down. But then, did they really shell out more for Bedtime Stories, a plain MOTW?


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