'Between' - A Logan and Veronica Vid

Sep 25, 2006 17:01

Band/Song: ‘Between’ by Vienna Teng
Character: Veronica S2 POV about Lg/V
Relationships Explored: Logan/Veronica, Veronica and Lilly
Focus: Veronica’s character arc throughout S2 as it pertains to Logan, exploring the events of LitB and its consequences to Veronica’s thought throughout the season towards Logan.
Summary: A history of violence holds them together, and as Veronica chooses to push away the past, the only person who shares that past with her is pushed away as well. But the past made her who she is. And she can’t escape it no matter how hard she tries.
Episodes: up to 2x22
Links/Size: Best Quality: 24 MB AVI FILE (If trouble playing file, use VLC player) | Stream: BAM Vid Vault | Crappy YouTube Version (Don't even ask why the very first two clips are off. YouTube is bonkers.)

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Notes: This vid came about months ago when I was trying to write my thoughts about the finale and it’s importance in tying up the second season's thematic arcs. During writing, I had found this song which had the potential to be twisted into exactly what I wanted to say. If I was ever to do a Lg/V vid, this was the song to do it with. So instead of an essay, what resulted was this. I do not intend this to be a "shippy" vid. At the risk of sounding completely pretentious, this was quite frankly intended as a joint Veronica S2 character study and Veronica/Logan relationship study. (Although, I have plans for this to be part one in a series of Veronica S2 character study vids. Yea, right, let's see if that gets finished in this lifetime! Until now there's just this vid.) As ridiculously analytical as I admit I got while constructing this, when it comes right down to it, this whole vid encapsulates exactly what I love about Veronica and her relationship with Logan. History, symmetry, ties that bond, and Lilly. In the end, everything goes back to Lilly, doesn't it? Anyway, this vid has been a source of many headaches throughout the summer and I've held onto it for the longest time to fiddle with it here and there, but I've finally reached the point where I just can't look at it anymore. (A big thanks to all those who gave me such helpful feedback weeks ago!) So with the premiere of Season Three coming up in a couple days, I figured I'd finally call this Season Two vid done and release it.

I hope you all can enjoy! Any comments or feedback you could give would be more than appreciated!

'Between' (Vienna Teng)

1st Verse:
We are not together here
though we lie entwined
to make room for the other presence
we both draw back in our minds
I have a prophecy
threatening to spill into words,
this growing certainty
of Over

There once was a time I was sure of the bond
when my hands and my tongue and my thoughts were enough
We are the same but our lives move along
and the third one between replaces what once was love

2nd VERSE:
Freedom is being alone
I fear liberation
but something more alive than silence
swallows conversation
no pleasing drama
in subtle averted eyes
the swelling fermata
as the chord dies


There's no denying we feel the third one
we do
I'm tired of hiding and so are you

There once was a time I was sure of the bond
when my hands and my tongue and my thoughts were enough
We are the same but our lives move along
and the third one between replaces what once was love

I normally dislike female ballad singers, and would never in a million years even dream to vid to them. But I make a big exception for Vienna Teng. Her songs are just so richly composed both musically and lyrically, I can do nothing but admit how fabulous she really is. If thI had one thing I could change in this song, it would be replacing "love" with "lost", since I think it would fit better within the context of the vid. Admittedly, until I got the lyrics, I was under the assumption that it was "lost" and was disappointed to discover it wasn't.

1) It’s a progression vid since it explores Veronica changing sentiment throughout the season. So it’s taken in chronological order and each major part of the song is another progression in the season.

2) Every single clip is meant in the context under which it was first filmed as.

3) I worked on this thing for so long, I can't even see straight when I watch it anymore. But I can say, this is a sort of vid that ended up with so many layers I can't even keep track of them all. There isn't one clip in here that isn't deliberate. Every clip, lyric, order, grouping, effect has a purpose and meaning contributing to the whole vid idea, sometimes three-fold and is thus totally and completely intentional. I tried to fit so much meaning about Veronica and the ship into every single clip, I'm not sure any of it ends up coming out clear on first viewing. But I swear, if you look hard enough, it's there.

4) I could talk about this vid forever. Believe me, I probably will. But in the end, all I can say is this vid is why I love Veronica. And why I love the ship. And what I hope against hope they don't lose from them within the coming months.

ETA: See? More talking. Because I completely doubt my ability to show an idea clearly: THE IDEAS BEHIND THE VID

vidding, my_vids

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