Rockin' Chair Reds

Aug 01, 2006 12:44

my dad just said "tomorrow's going to be an unbelievably oppressive day." he was referring to the weather, but what if he wasn't? what if he foresaw that on august 2nd, 2006, people would turn on each other, putting those below them in cages and boxes and making them wash their clothing? that'd be the day.
i'm in truro right now, sitting on the deck and eating a tomato sandwich. no i'm not, but i thought that that sounded summery. well, i am in truro, and i am rocking, but i'm not eating tomatoes. whatever. it's almost the end of another summer, but i've come to accept this in many ways. way #1: summer is very hot, and there are lots of mosquitoes. there are no mosquitoes in the winter. way #2: because it is summer, that means that school has not started. when school starts, that means that i'm almost done with high school, which is exciting. way #3: summer means that people are busy and have jobs. during the winter everyone just sleeps in my room and makes hot chocolate, right??? way #4: at the end of the summer, people go off to college, school, life, etc. that means a new journey. and who doesn't love a journey!? way #5: during the summer, i am a werewolf. i can't wait to get my regular life back again!
the last week felt like a year, but not because anything particularly exciting happened. my life is void of "drama" and i intend to keep it that way. i would knock on wood, but everything around me is made of fake wood to protect against the rain. anyways, time moves in mysterious ways, like a little woodland creature prancing along the underbrush.
saying goodbye to people doesn't really make much sense; do people ever really go away? it takes too long and it takes too much out of me and i don't like it. i'd just rather give a universal hug and send people on their way with a smile and not with dumb tears. blah blah blah
see? if you give me enough time alone i start to think crazy things and write them on the internet.

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