Nov 02, 2011 17:13
1) Cas loves Dean above all other humans, he has sacrificed everything for Dean and would do it again in a heartbeat.
2) Cas has started to love Sam almost as much as Dean. He has gone
from viewing Sam as an abomination to becoming friends with him to
actually hearing his pleas and answering. He answered SAM’S prayer, not
Dean’s. Why? Because SAM IS HIS FRIEND TOO. Sam may not have the same
‘profound bond’ as Castiel and Dean, but he has tried his fucking
hardest to earn his place as Castiel’s friend, even if you can’t see it
that easily. Cas has sacrificed almost as much for Sam as he has for
Dean, in the long run.
3) Dean does not love Castiel as much as Castiel loves Dean. Dean
will NEVER love Castiel that much, because he doesn’t have room for all
of that love - not whenever he has given so much to Sam already. Dean
has lost so so so many people that he would never allow himself to love
Castiel that much, regardless. He already has one weakness, (Sam) and he
doesn’t need another.
4) Dean loves Sam more than anyone else in the world (platonic or
otherwise, however you choose to see it) and not a single person will
ever change that, no matter how hard they try.
5) There is no ‘superior’ pairing in this fandom, because this is a FANDOM. Part of a fandom is what makes the fans happy,
not about what’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Therefore if someone prefers Sassy
to Destiel, it doesn’t mean that you should get butthurt over the
other. Its like people getting in an epic bitchfest over cookie dough vs
mint chocolate chip ice cream. If someone tells you they hate mint
chocolate chip and its your favorite, are you going to slap them in the
face with your dick and wank about how wrong they are and the fact that
MCC is obviously superior to Cookie Dough? (I really hope not,
seriously. Because if you do, please get the fuck off the internet)