Mar 16, 2005 16:08
i'm freakin pissed off! wtf i def got a C on my analysis exam..freakin teacher never teaches n i have to go from my 96 to a freakin B because he didn't teach us everything on the exam n def showed the other class the stuff we didn't learn before they took the exam freakin piss ant..i hate matelski with a passion n my mom better get me switched out of his class cause i can't stand bein with him for another 9 can someone with a 96 who has never gotten lower than an 85 on a test get a freakin 76 on the exam..i just want to go cuss him out! aaaah!
..def sucks cause i was havin a good day till now! this i my second freakin B in high school n i def is freakin pissin me off!