Aug 31, 2005 09:57

This is a disclosure to everyone who reads my journal. This is a FRIEND ONLY journal. What I write here is for ME! I do write as if I am talking to my readers but that is just a stylistic preference. I write in my journal as a way of making memories and as a therapy to let go of any feelings I don't want to keep bottled up.

Someone has copied my personal thoughts and sent it to the person it was about. This was a breach of my confidence and was done by someone who is OBVIOUSLY not my friend. If I had thought it was that important of a vent I would have addressed it with the person directly. It wasn't and it was just a vent to clear my mind. I have cleared out my friends and added back some who have asked so hopefully those remaining are true friends. One of those people made a very good analogy that I will borrow. This journal is like my diary. If you copy it and share it, it is like breaking into my house and stealing my diary to share with the world. I am hurt by the fact that someone did this especially someone who I thought was a friend.
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