Jul 30, 2009 09:22
So an email forward that I just received prompted me to vent a little here. It's an email that talks about how horribly Obama is for the country and how those that voted for change, (Obama) should be the ones laid off from their jobs.
With this logic, anyone who voted for Bush any one of the two terms he served, should have the blood of thousands of innocent lives on their hands. They should live with the fact that their ignorance is responsible for all of those dead bodies. I don't really believe that either.
But what gets on my nerves is that for 8 years I was told to wait and give Bush a chance, blah blah blah. Obama has been President for about 7 months now, and people are saying he's destroyed the country. I don't understand this feeling. I mean, I thought that 8 months into Bush's term I guess, but after 8 years of horribleness, we expect things to get better in 7 months...that seems ubsurd.