"The Shirt Off My Back"

Jul 09, 2006 21:59

Good day everyone!  Today I woke up a half hour before church was to start at First UMC, Evanston.  I decided I would go there, seeing that a classmate of mine was preaching today.  Soo, I got ready as fast as I could.  I really wanted to wear my navy/white wingtips today, but in order to do that, I needed my navy blue pants, which for some odd reason I couldn't find.  So I was about to leave, when I found my navy pants, so I had to change quickly, and head out the door.  I was about 5 minutes late, but was able to get to the front with the rest of the Garrett folk during the call to worship.  It was so hot in the church today and would also like to note that I didn't see any Garrett facutly or administration there today, (that was just a sidenote).   Anyway, apparently they read the Gospel reading from the aisle, and everyone that is seated towards the front turns around for it.  I thought this to be kind of strange, and thought I would stay facing towards the front...towards the cross.  Except for one minor detail...I couldn't find a cross halfway through the reading!  There is not a cross in FUMC Evanston.  Go figure!  I'll tell you one thing, however, they DO NOT have flags at the front of the sanctuary.  That is wonderful!  Anyway, the final hymn was "How Great Thou Art."  Greatest funeral hymn in my opinion, just behind Amazing Grace of course.  At the end of the Hymn, I felt the urge to bang my hymnal on the pew in front of me, I suprised myself, and my pew when I did it.  I guess that hymn deserves an exclamatoin point!

Anyways, I had a chat with my neighbor, we've cleared things up, and things are back to normal!  That is a good thing in my opinion.

Then later this evening I decided to go to a concert at Northwestern.  It was only 3 dollars and I thought it would be good.   It was the Northwestern University Summer Orchestra, Northwestern University Summer Community Chorus, and the University Choir, from the U of IL at Chicago.  It was a good concert, but when I got there, the line to buy tickets was unacceptable.  So unacceptable that the concert was 20 minutes late starting, and the maestro didn't want to wait anylonger.  There was a long line waiting to get into the concert when it finally began.  But the best part of the whole thing is that while I was waiting in line, an orchestra member wearing a blue shirt, asked if he could borrow my white shirt because he didn't know he needed one.  I said "Are you serious?"  He said "yes."  Then I said "Have you ever performed in an orchestra before?"  He then begged, and said it would save his life, so I gave it to him, so my small effort and sort of dressing up for the concert resulted in me wearing a white t shirt and jeans.  Oh well.  Seriously though, you're performing Beethoven's Symphony no. 9 and you don't know to wear a white dress shirt!??!!  I texted as many people as I could that I knew would understand the blue vs white shirt thing, even my pastor.  I hope he thought it was funny.

Any good rants from today?  Hmm, nothing really.  I could get on a tangent about the flag in the sanctuary, but maybe I'll save that for a slow news day.  For now, I'm feeling quite content with the week ahead.  But together, WE SHALL SEE.
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