Mar 20, 2008 14:43
Hello, im back in brighton for easter, the week has almost passed already its going so quickly.
I've been so busy, in what seems like forever. the last three weeks i've been working on a musical, building the disneyland type sets in the studios at uni. proper full blown street. if we had more space we could ahve made it bigger. been working on that from 8 in the morning to 9 at night. and being there during filming was a blast even though production crew didnt get fed as well or often as lighting and camera crew and cast. i met loads of the 2nd and 3rd years and now after a week of filming i feel i've made a load more friends.
before that i wrote a short 3 minute comedy for a project we had, it didnt go down to well with the actors lecturer cos he thinks everything has to be simple american comedy. such a waste of space that man is...thinks he is simon cowell.what a loser. but alot of my class liked it, i think im way to dialogue driven so i might have a wack at more comedy skit and radio play stuff. i do love to write, i dont write enough.
its been one film after another...ive got my name of a total of 5 films..its immensly hard work i sacrafice alot...but its so worth it. i love the long hours, the empty stomach the rediculous things you have to do for on the floor with the reflector to get enough light to the actors faces. painting bananas pink....painting roses red.... turning bits of a sofa into a bed.making a windo frame become a door frame in one long take while camera is running. i could go on..and these dont even seem like the wackeist shit ive done.
We had a lecture taken by nick love a few weeks back which was bizzare. Cos he directed football factory and he's directing the up and coming 'sweeny'. he was brilliant though and taught me alot that i have taken on board.
I'm having the time of my life......i dont have time for much else, but thats cool.
although im so exhausted...two weeks is not enough.
cin cin