Seven fears meme

Aug 11, 2021 21:54

Swiped from

What are seven things that you are afraid of? (Spiders, existential crises, pointed teeth, lack of cats, fear of failure, anything.)

  1. Losing the people closest and dearest to me.

    (Any way of losing contact with them counts.)

  2. War.

    (When I was little, this was the automatic answer if I was asked about my biggest fear.)

  3. Wasps.

    (Well, I can't stand any creepy, crawly, stinging creatures, actually. But wasps will literally make me freeze in momentary panic.)

  4. Making mistakes.

    (Even just something small that I would not think much about if it had been done by somebody else, can bother me for ages afterwards).

  5. Making phone calls/dealing with official stuff.

    (I hate all such things. I might be a tiny bit better with the phone than I used to be, but still... not my thing. Give me written communication, any time.)

  6. Making wrong choices, declining something that could be important or great.

    (Classic INFJ problem, I think - the conflict between introversion AND wanting to be my best self, for myself and others.)

  7. Driving

    (Technically speaking, I can drive a car. Effectively speaking, I can't, because the idea of doing it makes me uncomfortable and upset.)

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