Seriously? I mean, I love talking about food and all, but this seems a little silly.
For breakfast I had Fiber One Honey Oat Clusters with 2% milk (hey, they said great detail). It's surprisingly tasty for a healthy-ish cereal, like Honey Bunches of Oats (one of my favorites) with less sugar plus nutritional value.
For lunch I had a Lean Cuisine 5-cheese rigatoni frozen thing. I wish I could bring home cooked food every day for lunch but usually I just make enough food for dinner (I was used to cooking for one and always having leftovers). We've gotten in the habit of buying the low-cal frozen entrees to take to work because there's pretty much always one brand on sale. Sometimes I get the Amy's stuff but that's twice as expensive and I'm not convinced one type of processed food is that much better than another.
I also always require multiple snacks at work, so today it was peach yogurt, Keebler peanut butter crackers (one of my great junk food weaknesses), and a Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bar, which tastes as good as a Quaker Chewy bar with the added benefit of actually keeping me full.
For dinner I had brown rice (cooked in the rice cooker Eric gave us for a wedding gift) with stir-fried broccoli, onion, crimini mushrooms, and red bell pepper in a sesame garlic sauce. Usually I try to wait for Scott to get home so we can eat together, but this means waiting to eat till about 10:30 and sometimes I just get too hungry. Tonight, since I'm feeling sick and wanted to get the cooking out of the way, I just made it early and saved some for him to heat up.
For dessert we sometimes have Kozy Shack tapioca. We have it in the fridge right now so I wouldn't confidently say I'm done eating for the day.
Tomorrow I'm working at a dog show, where they typically have "fair food," so I expect to eat a lunch of French fries and soda. Maybe a slice of pizza if I'm lucky!
Somewhat on the topic of food/health, tonight as we were approaching my stop and I was standing near the front, my (female) driver (who I see all the time) said something like "I've got to know your secret, how do you stay so slim and trim?" As usual, I have been feeling fat lately so that was nice to hear. She asked if I'm a runner and I said I try to be. :p. I got pretty good at it again (I am perpetually at some stage of Couch to 5K) and was probably running better than ever up til a couple weeks ago when it got too cold and also too dark all the time. I wish I could take Banjo with me! I have to wait another 8 months for that though. I think it'll be easier to get in a half hour run when it doesn't have to be separate from his walks. Sometimes I'm motivated enough to go back out after he's had his walk and played and everything but lately I've felt like it's too late (even if it's only 6:30) and elected to watch some tv with puppy instead.
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