Nov 19, 2006 13:50
Write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tagbacks. These rules should be included in your entry.
1. My boyfriend lives with me. My mother is not necessarily happy about this (is that 2 facts?)
2. Because I'm apparently known as a good secet keeper, I know much much more about my co-workers than I'd like to.
3. I've often wondered if I'd ever feel remorse for killing someone that was endangering a loved one.
4. I enjoy the days at work where I hardly work, and yet I prefer to be really busy most of the time.
5. I'm only 35-40% sure that I'm going back to school one day.
6. If I could drink wine without the whole allergy factor, I'd completely do the 'one-glass-a-day for your health' thing.
Tag, you're it: Pixistick76, Skamp, slydevilty, rmalena, winddance