No one ever told me you could just start a business, or if they did, they didn't explain it very well. Everyone should have at least two jobs and at least one of those should be something for themselves. I am not yet addicted to stress buy I can see how that becomes an issue. Already I feel my patience with people and conversations that are not interesting slipping toward zero. I have things to do. I have emails to answer, things to design, problems to solves, strategies to develop, and competition to scope out. My spare time has become an increasingly precious commodity, and I cannot afford to waste it.
If you are less interesting than a round of civilization, fuck you.
That's my new baseline for activities. If, given an equal amount of time, I would have more fun playing civ4 than doing that thing, then fuck that thing. This week, I played civ4 once. If you and your bullshit interrupts my one chance to enjoy a round of cv, you damn well better be worth it.
Of course, I only know one person who has violated this rule as of late, and she was one of those assholes who has to control every aspect of a conversation. Who gets mad at you for having a different opinion or making a joke or interrupting her stream of consciousnessbullshit. I always hated that, now I don't tolerate it.
I like people who talk a lot. I like listening. But if I have something to say, and you get mad at me for saying it (not because of what I said, but because I had the audacity to interrupt your monologue), then really, we can both agree that this conversation would work better if we were in separate rooms/countries.
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