Did you see it? In the title there *looks up* ... yes, that is right, proper punctuation! New laptop from the parents for Christmas equals awesome! We are now the proud owners of a Sony Vaio with Windows 7, an Intel Core Duo processor, and a ton of ram and HDD space (
coupclassique can give you all the more formal details). I just know that she's fast and pretty freaking awesome! :)
So, the Christmas tally:
Christmas tree ornaments
Christmas towels
2 pairs of pjs
3 pairs of knee length socks
a pedometer (an addition to my collection, I think I already have 3 or 4)
snowman earrings
airplane tickets (that's how we got to Shreveport in the first place!)
new flooring for our dining room
(all the above just being from my parents and that is just my list o' stuff, Josh has his own)
Now the continued Christmas tally:
A picknicing basket set--has a holder for wine bottle, corscrew, blanket, wine glasses, etc.
Christmas tree ornaments
a sigg water bottle
a bag that rolls up to fit in my purse (it has really come in handy too!)
2 Santa Claus figurines
professional pictures of
coupclassique and myself plus frames
and some cool, hard cash!
And of course Christmas cards from a lot of lovely people, including my dear husband. :)
Also, I feel very blessed because I finally have my diabetes under control which means that my moods are under control. I no longer have severe mood swings and I do not get angry as often as I did the last few years. The insulin is working! Also, when I do get angry for no apparent reason, I know the cause--I am not crazy, my blood sugar is just high and I need some insulin. So, if I have been angry with you for no apparent reason in the past, I'm sorry. I am doing much better now and the reason for my behavior was my elevated blood sugars.
My love to you all and I hope your Christmas celebrations were merry and bright!