I responded to a post on Freecycle and got this:
Out of the 23 letters I received in response to my posting on Freecycle about Max, 14 were offers for really good homes, 1 was from a complete bozo, 7 were from people telling me how much they appreciated that I was trying to find a really good home for Max and how good it was to see how careful I was being about finding him an appropriate home and sending me their best wishes on a successful placement for him.
Yours was the only letter asking me why I was looking for a home for him and the only one that seemed to have no positive purpose to it other then to harass me in some weird way or guilt me out or??
Whatever your reasoning, it's irrelevant to me. I don't owe you or anyone else an explanation as to why I need to place him elsewhere but my posting should made it VERY clear, at least to everyone else who read it, that I'm a very careful, caring and conscientious person whose first concern, since I can't keep him, is seeing to his safety, welfare, and happiness.
Not that it is ANY of your business but my husband has had two heart attacks and I cannot take care of both dogs in the manner they deserve to be cared for. We have chosen to keep the smaller dog as he doesn't seem to like as much exercise as Max and that frees up more time for me to care for my family which is and always will be, my first priority. Since my animals run a very close second in priority, I don't want to neglect Max so I've chosen the next bext thing for him. A Forever Family who will love and care for him the way he deserves.
I suggest the next time you question someone else about their actions that you first point a finger back at yourself -ask yourself what you hoped to accomplish by writing to me like this. Thank goodness you're in a very small minority evidenced by the outpouring of help, concern, and encouragment I've received since my posting. Perhaps when you figure out what your motives were you can then figure out a better use of your energies and bandwidth.
This was my original response to the original email (which I did not keep):
From: "Liz Rowland-Riddell"
To: plantfreek@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [BBINFreecycle™] OFFER: Yorkie
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:28:02 -0500
Why are you unable to keep both dogs (since it sounds like Max is well-adjusted with your family)?
Was there something offensive about what I wrote. To tell the truth my intention was to find out if their were financial considerations for giving up a dog they loved so much (you would have had to read the original email) without saying, "Are you having financial difficulties?" That way it isn't so intrusive, they could have responded, "The dog is just too much for us at this time," or "We cannot handle Max's behavior," or "We are not in a position to feed both dogs." If it came up that is was something financial, I was going to offer to help get them some dog food and maybe give them some $$ for the vet. Was what I wrote to this person worthy of such a mean response? Seriously, I want to know because it was not my intention!