I don't know what to say.

Dec 01, 2008 22:45

I have never in my life felt threatened by a man. I always keep my ground and don't let some mans nature over take mine because he is taller or has a louder voice.....now things have changed. I feel verbally abused everyday of my life by my male roommate and I have never felt so out of control of my own life.

This person threatens me and my other female roommate.
tries to command us.
tried to get me kicked out by going behind my back when I invited him to live with me after I had lived in the apartment a year. (the landlord sided with me)
blows cigarette smoke in our face after we have just asked him to not smoke in the house.
he threatened to kill my cat.
is mentally unstable.
plays gun shooter games over the sound of our movies on purpose as to start some sort of sound war...he always wins as the sound of machine guns over surround sound is enough to give anyone a headache.
he refuses to pay me for hydro bills
This person has verbally abused me on numerous occasions saying I'm "the most fucking pathetic person he's ever met" I "have a small pee brain" and that "everything that come out of your mouth is garbage" he's even said "I think your fucked, you've had a traumatic childhood and weren't brought up properly." what did I say to start all of this. After he had yelled at me over and over again I broke and said "Stu, I don't like you. I don't want to be your friend. We can co-exist in the same house but I disagree with your opinions and would rather not discuss anything outside of roommate talk" He cried. I didn't I left. So I get called an unsympathetic sadistic bitch. (why because I'm not a wuss?)


I am not the strong female presence you might have hated at one time, because I am not afraid of you this is why you say all this to me.

Inside I stay strong while this tall evil man leers over me pointing at me and calling me a bitch. Yet inside my cool confidence and passive aggressive remarks to him are all a facade. Inside I am afraid of what this person might do to me. I am afraid he could hurt me one day because I don't think he respects women AT ALL and has told me he would hit a woman. My heart beats faster and I feel as if someone has walked over my grave when he walks by. I shake when he yells at me shivering in secret fear. I am afraid and sad to admit it. I feel as if I am in an abusive relationship. One I clearly would never get myself involved with. How can I be subject to this?????? How can someone who has been raised to always stay strong and be bold feel so scared of a man. I feel ashamed I feel fear yet how can I deny it when it is slapping me across the face.
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