Title: The Happiest Place on Earth (Pays Ride Operators Shit), Chapter Seventeen Fandom: Adam Lambert Pairing: Adam/Tommy, past Adam/Brad, past Tommy/Isaac Author: i_amthecosmosRating: NC-17
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Glad I could help, but I think you would have found a way even without my suggestions! I just didn't want you to scrap all that writing for nothing. Anyway, it turned out well, and even if these boys are still trying to figure things out, they seem to be happy together, and happy moving forward with each other, so that's a start!
Boys ! I'm with Thrace here....always something !! They need to be locked in a cave somewhere and just get it all out there. It's like one step forward, three steps backward. But good chapter. Hope they get themselves straightened out soon.
They're more in stasis than backward right now, because Tommy is putting off asking him about the distance of the other night. Also Adam has swung back into being really attentive and there for Tommy. So yeah, it's not too healthy but it's not as bad as all that. Tommy will fix it soon.
not just clueless but a dumbass. he doesnt seem to understand that the things he says and his actions are very hurting and confusing. getting high when he said "he might be over"? excuses.
Comments 12
And that's the perfect icon for this.
(Actually, in this case it just means "I'm in denial for a while". But it can lead to more or less the same thing, so...)
OK *clingling to denial*
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