Oct 14, 2008 19:17
I know I am being irrational but sometimes I just cant help it!
I know the fireman likes me I know he has family issues at the moment which are more important and need sorting out first and I know he is also working overtime but fuck I hate the fact I cant see him whenever I want to!
I know he is in Sydney today he had to go get his mum from hospital and help her out at home, I know all this but I wish I had a chance to see him today, but I am trying to be understanding and keep out of his hair so he can sort out his stuff without extra worries from me in there and the logical rational side of me understands this and is fine with it, we never made plans for today it was just a if he can get things done he will call me thing we both agreed on that but I just wish he would call or make time for me I miss him and wanna see him and the fact he has to do this other stuff first is annoying but has to be done, I just want to see him!
I feel sad that I cant see him right now and that he cant come over tonight which makes me start to think he dont like me, which is silly cause he has said enough and done enough to tell me that he does like me and wanna see me but its just the stupid worries of a silly hormonal girl thinking right now.
I just want him and I will get there eventually.