Arrogant hipster asshole

Jan 27, 2012 11:21

I really love when people at work try and stealthily look over my shoulder while I'm doing my work for the day and act like I don't know how to do my fucking job. Hi, I understand that you've been here for a year and a half, but this isn't my first day. It's not even my first morning shift. ALL MY SHIFTS ARE MORNING SHIFTS. I know what needs to be done, and I know how to do it. Yes, sometimes when you come in mid-way through my shift I'm dicking around on the computer. That's because I've already been at work for three hours where I didn't get to stop to take a breath, let alone sit down for a few minutes. No, there is nothing that needs to be done right now. THAT'S WHY I'M ON THE INTERNET AND NOT DOING IT.

And thankfully because his schedule and mine are close to the same, we work together most mornings for the rest of the semester. Joy.

Also?? When you're on shift on Monday talking about the project that you have due on Wednesday that you aren't even close to being done, it's more than a little suspicious when you call in sick for the next two days. Seriously?? Not subtle. Also not really fair to the rest of us that had to take up your slack for those two shifts. I had things due this week that I needed to work on. I didn't call in sick. I ran on three hours sleep a night for three days and got them done when I could.


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