Why must I be such an un-talented spaz?!

Apr 13, 2010 01:13

Ive been getting these amazing plot bunnies lately and I just can't write any of them. Although, if anyone has read the fic I have posted on my journal you will probably agree with me that I really shouldn't write fanfiction.

However, I have amazingly awesome, and awesomely amazing IDEAS that I really want someone to write but I can't actually bring myself to post them anywhere to be adopted. Mainly because I have no clue where to even go to post them. I'm pretty much just a on again off again member of fandom. I go through periods where I read anything I see that catches my eye, and actually leave con-crit, or just let the author know how much I enjoyed reading their writings. Then there are other times when it's like "livejournal, I still have one of those?" and I pretty much just fall back into my habit of reading the fanfiction I have PDF'd (don't judge me!) on my computer. (Much of that being Harry Potter, which I read because they are characters, and when I started in bandom and real person fiction I got squicked by the fact that these are REAL PEOPLE that I'm reading doing unspeakable acts of lust to each other, that they may or may not actually have ever done.)

That being said, I'm back for now, (yay lol) and have decided to post a couple of plot bunnies on my journal. And if anyone happens to stumble onto this post, or wants to see these ideas written, feel free to a.) write the story yourself, and send me a link...or b.) post my idea somewhere else where people may see it and be all like "That's an amazing idea and I need to write it!"

Okay so I'm just going to post all the ideas I've had that I haven't actually told anyone but the Love of my life.

1.) High School Musical AU. I was watching the movie (yeah...I watch HSM and Disney...so?) and my mind kept replacing the actual actors with bandom members, my thoughts are it pretty much follows the same main plot and story line, but if anyone adopts the idea they can change whatever they want. My ideas for whose who?
Troy and Gabriella : Frank and Gerard,
Ryan and Sharpay ; Brendon and Ryan (I'd totally love to see Ryan Ross as a bitchy prima donna ...),
And then I have Patrick as the adorable composer chick with the hats...
That's all I've got for that idea lol.

2.)This one is actually Cassie's idea, but I'm totally putting it here because I need this fic!

Cobra Starship/Bones Crossover. Like the episode with the body in the wall at the club in season one, that could be basis for the story but Cobra randomly is playing the club that night and Gabe decides he's going to help with the investigation. He tries to act smart around Bones, and tough around Booth. Sweets would be slightly scared of him and Angela would think he's amazingly awesome. Gabe also wants to work side by side with Hodgens because he gets to play in the dirt.
Sweets would be all interested in why Gabe's band love him as much as they do and why they put up with him. He'd take Nate to the side and be all like "So, Nate...tell me about the Basement" and "Show me on the doll where the scary Latino touched you..." To which Nate would be all like "Why show you on a doll? Ryland taped it." Alex would randomly pop up out of nowhere and be all like "Yeah! And I scripted it, Vicky T produced it too. It should be out on DVD in a month..."

Yeah...I laugh every time I think of that one.

3.) Bandom Bones AU. I have no idea who could be who. But I think this would be an amazing story.

4.) My next idea started out as a movie AU. But in talking about it to my Love it transformed into a College AU, which bothers me none, since I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE (yeah I like them a bit) school AUs.

Anywho... College AU, and a local theater, was putting on a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Gerard could be in charge of putting it on, and he'd totally demand to be Frankenfurter. ("Come on you guys! You all know I'd be amazing! *puppydog eyes* I already know the part by heart!") He also talks Frank into being Brad. He cons Mikey into being Riff-Raff and Ray into playing Magenta. ("C'mon Ray, you've already got the hair. And you'd look amazing in a maids uniform *whine/pout*.") Ray's having none of it until Gerard suggests Bob as Rocky. He agrees, but only if he can be there when they ask Bob. Bob agrees to play rocky, but he's not happy about it at all. Pete makes flyers and plasters campus with them. Brendon finds a flyer and is all "C'mon you guys *whine/pout* you know you want to see this ass in a pair of panties and a garter!" (and btw: OMG I so so seriously do!)

So that's my idea for that one lol...

5.) So I've been watching a LOT of Criminal Minds lately because I love one of the characters, Dr. Spencer Reid. He's so amazingly adorable and young and so very intelligent that he's awkward, but I still love him. And he's played by this awesome actor, Matthew Gray Gubler.

Anyway I have this semi obsession with him because he's so pretty and he reminds me of William Beckett.

So....my idea for this plot was its Halloween and randomly Bill and his crew are at a party at a club in D.C, New York, Hollywood...I don't care...but wherever they are Matthew Gray Gubler just happens to be at the same party. Bill is secretly obsessed with Criminal Minds and more specifically Dr. Spencer Reid, and dressed up as him for Halloween. Gabe of all people recognizes Matthew Gray Gubler across the room and is all like "Dude, isn't that the dude you're supposed to be?" And Bill gets all flaily and fanboyish and is all "OmiGod, OmiGod, OmiGod!!! It's HIM! *spaz*" Everyone is amused by this and Pete tells him to go talk to the man or he would do something that Bill will regret. And this is Pete we're talking about so it'll probably be something flirty and sexual and really HOTT!!! But Bill will be sooooo embarassed!...
So Bill gathers his courage and finally goes over to talk to Matthew Gray Gubler and at first MGG is all like *HUGESCAREDEYES* but then he realizes that Bill is a harmless little puppy.
Now this story could go one of two ways. It could become a slash fic where they get pleasantly smashed together and go somewhere and have sex with comments the next morning from friends about being narcissistic....or it could end with MGG realizing Bills a sweet guy who just wants to make the guy he really admires a friend.

Personally I want the sex...lol

(I also would love to see a Matthew Gray Gubler/Jackson Rathbone slash fic. If you don't know who he is, Jackson Rathbone is the guy who plays Jasper in Twilight. He's also in an episode of Criminal Minds where he is a hotel janitor guy named Adam Jackson who has a split personality. His other personality is named Amanda. (Jackson Rathbone in a dress is OMG HOTT and funny all at the same time) The fic could even be a Dr. Spencer Reid/Adam Jackson slash. And I'd totally give bonus points to anyone who has Dr. Reid's mother in it...because she's in an institution and is played by Jane Lynch whom I love so hard.)

So, those are the plot bunnies what have been hopping around my head for a while now. If anyone is interested is writing one of these or sending them along to someone who may be interested in writing one go ahead. I just want links to the finished posted stories lol.

Ya know something that makes me sad. The last time I felt comfortable enough to post a plot bunny of mine was then I wanted a Kevin Jonas/Mike Carden fic. It was where the Jonas family owned a corner market and Carden gets caught stealing so instead of calling the cops their father gives him a job. The story ended up being called Employee of The Month and it was posted to SoDamnSkippy...if anyone cares lol.

Okay well...This is kind of long so I'm done writing...I also need to go to bed. Work in the morning....

Ziki <3
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