Liveblogging From Stockholm

Sep 28, 2010 13:46

Part II: Conclusion

I expected the cab would stop before hitting me. I knew the bike wouldn't.

Oxford: Duke University of England

Slept 9 hours, feel wonderful, time to impersonate the Marines and kill foreigners

Lord Tomas said they've had 20 people at their weekday practices. Windmasters, there are a bunch of smug Swedes out there who need an ass-whoopin.

Also, Tomas is an evil Scandinavian giant.

"Sodom Cafe"... wasn't.

If they didn't want me chugging the meeting water, they shouldn't have served it in long-neck bottles.

Cafe Sud has excellent fud. Also, being from the Sud, it's very salty. And Rudolph, Donner, Dancer, and Blitzen taste wonderful.

Daim! That's good chocolate.

Room Service: Tikka Masala and a Swedish Ale. Neither is an exemplar of its type.

Willie Nelson and Emmy Lou Harris on the soundtrack in a trendy Swedish cafe.

Damn, I think the liquor store is closed today. How will I get my absinthe, go blind, and paint water lillies? Systembolaget has destroyed my dream!

If any American men take hope that by coming to Sweden they can find a Scandinavian goddess, give it up: All the menfolk are tall and strapping. There was a reason the zombies had to be fast, smart, and Nazis to scare these people.

If this keeps up, I wonder if I can trade this career into a TV show: "Wistric Fighting Around the Knowne Worlde"

I should paint the arms of the kingdoms I've fought in on my helm.

Erik Sture's pants were blood red. Who knew?

Well, okay, aside from you, Bel. And Roz, Maddalena, and... everybody.

God's Latte is shit. Back to the capitalists' demon drink.

I should have remembered that Arrack was a strong liquor. The gigantic Arrack ball (like a Casa Bellini Rumball, but huge and Swedish) was a bit much.

The Swedes have such good men's clothing stores, and they end up dressed like Eurotrash. Pencil leg jeans? Really?

Swedish Baby will win the staring contest! Until the American scares him. Oops.

All of them are bundled up in jackets, but the women are still wearing tights.

Uppsala Cathedral is on my Top 5 churches list. It is gorgeous.

I could take up golf or I could stab people. Stabbing people takes less time, money, and luggage, and I end up with less stress.

What with all the women in tights and all the men in pencil jeans, I have this advice to friends visiting Sweden: When you are trapped in your hotel room and there is a fire, call the female firefighters.

Mmmmmmmm... akvavit...

When I retire I shall farm caribou for the US market

Why is Robin Hood wearing a wife beater?

Nuts to Jake Gyllenhaal. Prince of Persia has Richard Coyle! Sadly, he does not say "Gusset" or "Breasts".

I just saw an Ugliest Tattoos and People of Wal-mart entrant. KISS, broad hairy sweaty totally uncovered chest.

And home!
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