(no subject)

Apr 30, 2006 20:24

oh man.

lets give a bit of an update.

weekend was good.

friday was chrissy day. i met jazz. i guess hes not so bad after all. i think hes more on my side than chriss. which is good haha.

saturday i did nothing that day. except garage sales with my brother. i got a jim morrison book for jason and dj got a houdini poster. but that night i went to lauras party. man, she had the prettiest birthday cake ever. and it was a nice birthday at cotijas. i also went to the movies and was the fifth wheel, but thats ok. because it sure didnt feel like it. then we went to chilis.

sunday i straightened my hair when it was wet with ninis new straightener. i also did homework and chris and i went out to lunch for pho. it was yummy. and then we went back home, and i went to church then got some turtle cheesecake ice cream. it was a tough decision between that, award medal ribbon [or something of the sort] and chai tea ice cream. i regret my decision.

anyway, personalized messages for all!!     ::::

sydnie--i have your fauxpod case. its preeeetty, and its probably the prettiest and neatest one ive made so far. it was wonderful seeing you yesterday :] and rudy doesnt look like rudy anymore. haha.

laura--happy birthday! i enjoyed seeing you yesterday. cotijas is the best birthday place. i hope it was a good one. and ill be looking forward to the next time i see you.

michelle abram--you are officially on my top 8.  mazeltov! haha. enjoy it. hehe.

allie--your mail will be coming soon. im working on it, i promise. im just slow. do not worry :] i hope you will like it. and i need to see you NOW.

jenna--i liked your hair tonight. even though you dont believe me that it looked different. im talking to you right now. but thats ok.

alli--i will talk to you tomorrow about alllll that happened this weekend. ok? ok.

michelle--groundation does suck. but it will go by fast. i like our talks on the phone. and i hope to see you soon. best birthday wishes, in 6 or so days.

kelly--i lovest thee greatly. if you were an animal, youd be an owl. you have words of wisdom, my friend, and i thank you for that. i hope your week goes well.

jason--i hope you enjoy the book. i really do. and dont forget to stick it.

ben--it was an honor to accompany you on your birthday. i am proud to be one of bens friends.

jon--it was nice to see you yesterday. its been a while. and im listening to aqueduct right now. youre right. it is the best band ever.

jessica--i think chris and i will be attending your birthday. but the final word will be coming soon. hehe.

why is everybodys birthday in late april-early may?
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