Greetings from Blizzcon 07!

Aug 05, 2007 01:29

Or rather greetings from the hotel room at Blizzcon '07. Well the 2nd Blizzcon has come to an end down here in Anaheim which you many of you probably know as the former site of Anime Expo. Although I had to solo it this time around I still had a lot of good times. Came here really early on Friday morning and like all good cons first thing I did was rushed into line for the Blizzcon store. Which is the equivalent of bum rushing the dealer's room with the exception of everything you could buy was in one place, and things will sell out if you don't get them in time. Prolly my favorite item out of the bunch was a nice Starcraft II workshirt (aka button up collared shirt).

Speaking of Stacraft II all you RTSers out there will love the latest installment. I got a chance to get some hands on time with it and I just have to say it's awesome. For all you fans of the Starcraft lore and storyline (and I kno you're out there) Jim Raynor returns as the hero for the Terrans. NUFF SAID. For all those who love the gameplay a couple of new units they showed us, Terrans get this awesome new vehicle called the Viking which is basically a transformer that can switch between a land and air unit. Also for the Terrans is a vehicle so large it actually has to be made outside of a factory, built essentially like a structure, and is like a giant mech with a special attack that has its own cut scene. Protoss get this nice new flying unit called a Mothership. Similiar to the Battlecruiser for Terrans but much more deadly. It can generate it's own force field to stop all incoming attacks as well as units from coming in. It also has another special move that is like a black hole that looks like it insta-kills flying units that are close by to it. So any fans of the original Starcraft, definitely put this on your must buy list.

For all 2 of you WoW players who are probably reading this a new expansion as you probably already know, Wrath of the Lich King. Seeing as how I'll probably never reach 70 for awhile, the biggest thing that interest me about it is the lore as it focuses on the new Lich King from WCIII Arthas and Northrend. Also, though I doubt I'd ever get there new hero class Death Knight FTW.

Lots of other little tidbits including a WoW movie in the works. Crazy button number matching for nVidia. And managed to meet some random people while waiting in line for the concert. All in all good times. Currently selling my Murloc Suit on Ebay so anyone who knows anyone crazy enough to bid $200+ on it, let me know!
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