Nov 15, 2007 22:55
I know I said I'd write up about Patrick Wolf, but I'm just not in the mood.
Today was nice. I think I sadi that yesterday, but perhaps for once, life is pleasant.
Maddie dropped in this afternoon to pick up her Norton poetry book and gave me a late birthday present.
She burnt me Jarvis Cocker's album, I Heart Hiroshima and the new record by Sigur Ros PLUS a copy of The Horror's guest programme of Rage on DISK. THEN, she (as my proper present) she gave me vanilla perfume oil from The Body Shop and Eternity by Calvil Klein which smells just delightful. I love Maddie so much, she brightened up my day. After bumming aorund in my room for a bit we went up to the spot and got ice-cream and sat in the park. We joked around saying it was as if we were five again, licking melting ice-cream off the cones and feebly trying to prevent it dribbling down to our hands. It was fun.
This evening I saw Death At A Funeral with some Basser people. It was so funny. Just... freaking hilarious!
(now for a change of pace)
They had gone out to dinner previously (I didn't go because I wouldn't have enough money and I am sick of going to this same Thai place every time we go out to dinner, bah!!). By the time I got there they were all drunk. It's really not fun being the only sober person. I get really weird in gorup drinkign situations and get really insular when I'm particularly sober and surrounded by drunkards. I just, argh I don't know. I'm still not comfortable in group drinking situations in college. I don't really participate in a lot. I think it comes down to where I live in college, in a corner where no-one comes. I'm always apprehensive to go and see what other people are doing, and I always hate intruding. This must be my British politeness comming into play. I hate the fact that I cans till be painfully shy around people. I don't know if it's because I really don't have much in common with the majority of people here or what, or whether I'm just a loner, eh. Walking back I felt so out of place. My eyes went all glassy and eh. I don't know. All I know is that I don't like it. I'm so scared that people think of me as boring and weird...okay so more boring. I can live with weird, makes things more interesting, I'd rather be weird that boring, but then I guess, what defines normal. I'm ranting like a motherbitch now so I'm going to go now.
five year olds,
feeling weird,
i heart hiroshima,
basser people,
jarvis cocker,
sigur ros,
late birthday presents,
death at a funeral,
the horrors,