Hey! Sorry I haven't written in like...FoReVeR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want 2 know more about what's goin on w/ me, check out my MindSay (which is a lot cooler than LiveJournal :b but this is cool 2) at
http://rainsilverlight.mindsay.com :D
:: excerpt from my MindSay ::
Yay!! I finally got to play volleyball! Even if it WAS without a net (heh, we used a pole on the ground) w/ my brother who can't play at all. I'm pretty bad right now, as I haven't played in FoReVeR, but I WILL get better, I can promise you that. :b Everyone probably thought I was CrAzY (sorry I like doing tHiS WiTh mY wOrDs) cuz everytime I did something good, I yelled really...really...really LoUd...I was hyper, OK?