Okay, so I officially fail BIGTIME. I totally missed one member's icons in the voting post. I have no idea how this happened, and I can only apologise and assure her, and you, that I've got some pretty big personal distraction going on right now, and I will do anything in my power to ensure that it doesn't happen in the future. SO, here's how I'm going to attempt to handle this:
I'm going to leave voting open for one more day, until noon tomorrow (Friday) PST. I'm going to request that you all revisit the
voting page and check out the three new entries- icons 27, 28, and 29- and let me know if you've already voted and would like to change your vote to include them. We'll keep it screened, obviously, just comment on your original vote post if you'd like to change your vote.
Again, I'm so, so, sorry. I feel like a total n00b. Hopefully this won't ever happen again ):