Dec 19, 2004 20:00
Last year at this time I was at a bowie concert, time flys weather your having fun or not. but im having fun. This will probably be possibly one and only meaningful and long post I will write for a long time. or forever. Basically last time around this year is when I started this livejournal thing, so much has changed, in a good way(s).
School is so much better this year everything, its easier (this semester at least) more fun, we get to do more stuff, more people, new sports, i have stuff to do after school. Everyone has changed, even if you don't want to admit that you did, I'm sure in some way you have. And stubborn people that say they haven't changed at all are full of shit, because they have. While walking through the halls, you can pass one of your close friends from last year, say barely anything, if anything at all, and in your head you know that neither of you care. Or theres those people that you could say endless amounts of things to last year, and now we can't get past an "hey whats up" in both person and online. But, its not bad change. because with each door closing, new ones open. and maybe i can't have deep meaningful conversations with some new people, but I can laugh and have fun. My close friends and I, well, we've gotten passed the point where we only say "stiffy, are master shiz, and anus". That, i must say, is a definate plus. Big Herm isn't here, neither is Donny, nor are canolis or the wastedd-ness of myspace, maybe that will change, maybe it won't.
Ive learned that its good to wear different clotes each day, unlike last year it consisted of my lovely green jacket and DB tshirt. i think it was a good move. I don't stress nearly as much, another plus. life seems to be good. it was good last year, only now i look at the world differently, look at people differently, take in my life differently, understand things. see things for what they are, or what they are, not what they seem to be. its just a good system. david bowie continues to rock my world, not as much. or maybe just as much, but ive learned that theres other stuff. but he will always live, we all know that.
Ive been listening to my winter mix of last year all weekend, its full of b&s, and nada surf and the adicts driving ona saturday thank you misfits and some other stuff. its crazy, because its just like woah flashbacks. I guess Ive come to accept change. I just "didn't like" change because i'd never experienced it, but now that I have its good. I still havent gotten over my lame litle not change my clock that is 14 minutes fast. for those of you who dont know (probably all) my clock is 14 minutes fast, its been 14 minutes fast for the past 3 years. but i can't come around to changing it cause i automatically subtract the minutes from my mind. its another one of those good systems i go by.
i watched lordy today. and i just got really happy you know, a wizard is never late nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
best regards,