Survey Says!!

Jul 20, 2004 11:15

okay--took the asinine " Confidential company survey." Cuz you know they really "value our opinion"................NOT!!! I'll give 'em something to value....
like my letter_of_resignation. That will be the most beneficial, comprehensible memo/letter that will ever touch the dusty desks of this disgusting establishment.

I totally botched the survey. I put that I am a black male, working here for 5-10yrs, and my age is 31-40. I filled the whole thing out only selecting "Neither Agree or Disagree," and as for the comment section......I typed "stupidity runs rampant throughout this organization."
HA! Fuck them all!!

Hallelujah Mother Fuckers!!

Cannot wait to go to college!! CANNOT WAIT!!

There has to be more intelligent people there--surely there are, PLEASE TELL ME THERE ARE.
I can feel my IQ dropping the longer I work here. It's bad enougth to live in OKLAHOMA (oooo I just pissed a bunch of people off--like I care),but to work in this company has drained the life out of me. Ugh!

Haaaaa.....Okay, I feel better now.
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