Heath/Jake RPS: "Unreal"

Dec 20, 2006 17:37

Title: Unreal
Author: ziggycalhoun
Pairing: Heath/Jake
Disclaimer: Completely fictional.
Warning: Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
Author's note: Just a little something I wrote. Not too sure about it but oh well... :)
Teaser: It's nighttime when Jake calls him Ennis.

It's nighttime when Jake calls him Ennis.

They're in bed, Heath's propped up on his elbow, his hand running up and down Jake's torso. Jake is half asleep, his head moving from right to left, sighing softly and then Heath hears it. "Ennis."

Heath stares at first, then nudges him lightly and whispers his name. When he sees those big eyes flutter open he can't help but smile and say, "It's nothing, go back to sleep." Jake nods, closes his eyes and puts Heath's hand back on his chest.

On the following day Heath finds himself repeating the sentence, "If you can't fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it," about a dozen times.

Jake looks miserable throughout and sulks in his trailer for the rest of the day.

When Heath comes over later, Jake grabs him and holds him close. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Heath, grateful to have Jake in his arms, simply whispers, "Its okay," and rests his head on Jake's shoulder.

They spend the rest of the night reconciling.

Two days later they're in bed, relaxing after yet another long day of shooting. Heath feels Jake arching his back and he hears it again, "God, Ennis." He breaths in, climbs on top of Jake and kisses him lightly on the lips. "Jake? I'm Heath. Heath. You do know that, right?" Jake, dazed and sleepy, whispers, "Yes," And Heath lowers his head onto Jake's chest and hopes he's telling the truth.

Another week goes by and the crew notices it too. They shoot Jake saying "I'll see you next month then," and climbing back in the truck. When Ang says "cut and print," Heath rushes over to tell him how good he was but Jake looks up, his eyes brimming with tears, shoves him off, shouts "Get the fuck away from me," and bolts.

One crew member yells "What in the hell was that about?" from behind. Heath mumbles something about method acting and the guy snorts.

Heath is too confused to even stand up for Jake.

They don't talk for two days.

Heath does the Thanks Giving scene with Michelle and waits for Jake to come to him. When he finally does, he offers Heath a cigarette. They stand there, in silence, inhaling, looking at the smoke as it's making its way lazily towards the sky, when Jake finally says, "It's just so hard. Everything is so mixed up. I don't know what I'm feeling most of the time."

Heath knows there's more so he takes another drag and waits.

"I saw you with Michelle." Heath turns to look at him. "You know what the first thing I thought was? 'I can't believe he's back together with her after everything.'" He chuckles. "I'm so messed up."

"Jake." Heath moves towards him, puts his arms around him. "It's okay. It's just the movie and… and us. It's confusing." He runs his hand through Jake's hair. "We'll get through this."

Jake sighs. "I hope so." He pulls back a little and looks at Heath. "You know, we only have a few weeks before we wrap up."

"Yea, I know." He leans forward but stops when he sees Jake's face. "What? Jake?"

"Nothing, it's nothing." He looks away.

"No, no." Heath's hands are on either side of his face. "Look at me. It's Ennis and Jack who have the problems. I'm not Ennis. You're not Jack. We're not them. We're fine. We're… we're better than fine. We're…"

"Are we really?"

"Of course we are. I've never been this happy."

Jake pulls away abruptly. "Heath, nobody knows about us!"


"I AM Jack! Don't you see that?"

"Jake, I… I didn't know you…" Heath can't get the words out and he feels like the ground is slipping from under him. "I didn't mean to…" He starts shaking and he grabs him, fingers deep in warm flesh. "I'm not Ennis. I'm not, I'm not." He says over and over, as if trying to convince himself. He hears Jake breathing in and out and thinks that maybe, just maybe, this is all behind them. Jake sags into him and Heath puts his arms around him, inhaling him, caressing him. Jake moans but doesn't say anything. It almost feels like he is waiting for Heath to say something. Heath lowers his head and kisses his jaw, his neck, tries to unbutton his shirt but Jake pulls away. "I think… I just need to be alone."

"What? Jake, why?"

Jake doesn't answer. Instead he says. "I love you."

"I... Jake, I love you too. Where are you going?"

Jake just smiles his sad smile and walks away.

Heath has no idea how to make it right again.

They don't talk until their scene the next morning. Heath is distracted, Jake can't remember his lines. Ang yells "Cut! Go talk this out and come back." Heath glances at Jake who starts for his trailer.

Jake is determined. "I think we should take some time apart."

Heath is stunned. "What? Jake…"

"I don't want to be Jack! I won't be."

"Jake… what do you want me to do?"

"You know, Heath."

Heath sighs and slumps on the bed. "Yea, I do, but Jake, come on. How many successful gay actors do you know, huh? It'll ruin both of our careers. I know how much you love to act. It's your life. It's my life too."

"You are my life." Jake mumbles, miserably.

"Oh God, Jake." Heath stares, overwhelmed. "Jake, please, try and understand. I love you so much."

"Not enough, apparently."

Fifteen minutes later they're called on set.

Ang looks worried. "Are you ready?" They both nod. Jake says "I wish I could quite you" and Heath is undone. When he slumps on the ground he's Heath and when Jake hugs him, all he wants is for everyone to disappear.

"Jake, Jake." He whispers and Jake is on his knees in an instant. "It's alright, it's alright." Heath feels guilty for needing comfort, still, he holds on tighter.

When everyone around them claps, he feels Jake's hand pulling him up and he goes willingly.

They walk to his trailer and Jake stops just outside it.

Heath turns to him. "Jake?"

Jake just stares. Waiting.

"I'll tell my family. My parents, okay? Okay, Jake?" Heath knows he sounds desperate but he doesn't really care. "Please, Jake?"

Jake hesitates and Heath has to say it. "I'm so sorry. I'm just so scared about people finding out. I don't think I could deal with that. I…"

"I know, Heath. But we have to tell somebody. I don't want to feel like this terrible secret."

Heath grabs Jake's hand. "I promise."

At night, in Heath's trailer they are tangled together in bed. Heath inside him, both moving together, Jake pulling him closer and then he hears it: "God, Heath, I love you so much."

Heath comes right then and there.

Just before they fall asleep Heath whispers, "Jake, You called me Heath."

Jake smiles at him sleepily and Heath sighs in contentment.

And their world is real again.



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